Current Affairs

Indian History Practice Bits for All Competitive Exams

indian history కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
The ultimate ownership of land during the post-Gupta period lay with ?
A. the cultivator 
B. the village community 
C. the king 
D. the joint family
Ans: Option C

There were widespread risings against the British in the 1820s. Which one of the following did not revolt in the 1820s? 
A. Santhals 
B. Ahoms 
C. Pagal Panthis 
D. Ramosi
Ans: Option A

Under the Mountbatten Plan of 1947 the people of ___ were given the right to decide through a plebiscite whether they wished to join Pakistan or India. ?
A. Assam 
B. Punjab 
C. Bengal 
D. N.W.F.P and the Sylhet district of Assam
Ans: Option D

The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during the ?
A. 9th Century AD 
B. 10th Century AD 
C. 12th Century AD 
D. 14th Century AD
Ans: Option D

The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was ?
A. Bhojpuri 
B. Magadhi 
C. Pali 
D. Sanskrit
Ans: Option C

Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of ?
A. Travancore 
B. Baroda 
C. Hyderabad 
D. Mysore
Ans: Option A

The term ‘Yavanapriya’ mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted ?
A. ivory 
B. pepper 
C. a fine variety of Indian muslin 
D. damsels sent to the Greek court for dance performance
Ans: Option B

To which of the republic of Buddha belong? 
A. Licchavis 
B. Sakyas 
C. Mallas 
D. None of the above
Ans: Option B

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