Current Affairs

Very Important Persons in The World – The Name Starting from – A

Abul FazalAbul Fazal was the oldest of Akbar’s  ‘Nine Jewels’. He as the brother of Faizi. He was a profound scholar of his time and rose to  Akbar’s  Prime Minister. He wrote  Ain-i-Akbari.

Abraham Lincoln :   He was the son of a woodcutter, rose to be the 16th President of the United States who wanted to abolish slavery and on account of this there was a civil war between the southern and northern States of America. He won the civil war and abolished slavery.

Abdul Kalam  A.P.J కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Abdul Kalam  A.P.J. :  Dr.  Aavul Pakkiri Jainulabidin Abdul Kalam was born in 1931 at Rameswaram in Ramanathapuram,  Tamilnadu. He was familiarly known as the “Missile Man of India”. He became the eleventh President of India on July 25, 2002. He was awarded Bharat Ratna in 1998. He wrote books like “Wings of Fire”‘ “India  2020”, and “Ignited Mind”.

Adolf Hitler కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం

Adolf Hitler :   Adolf Hitler is a German Dictator who was born in Austria.  He led the Nazi party and became German Chancellor in the year 1933.  He ordered the invasion of Austria and Czechoslovakia.  His invasion of Poland in 1939 started the Second  World  War.   He committed suicide in Berlin in 1945.  He was the author of Mein Kampf.  He is also called “Fuehrer”.

Ahalyabai కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Ahalyabai :    Born in 1735 and daughter of Manakoji Shinde of Chante, Ahalyabai did her elementary education and married Khanduji, the son of Malharrao Holkar in 1744.  Her husband was killed in siege of Khanduji in 1754.  Malharrao appointed her for the administration of his territories. Her son Malerao succeeded after the death of Holkar but actual reigns of office were in the hands of Ahalyabai.  She administered the territory astutely and renovated many temples.  She died on August 13, 1795.

Akbar కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Akbar :   Akbar succeeded his father Humayun at the age of 14.  Bairam Khan, a distinguished General, became his regent. Bairam Khan defeated Hemu at the Second Battle of Panipat (1556) and secured the throne of  Akbar.   He followed a policy of conciliation with the Rajputs and the Hindus. He constructed “Ibadat Khana”, or the House of Worship at Fatehpur Sikri.   With the help of  Abul Fazal, Akbar founded a religion called the Din-i-Ilahi or the Divine Faith.  He built the beautiful city of Fatehpur Sikri in red sandstone near Agra.   He abolished the hated Jazia and pilgrim tax and allowed full religious freedom to all his subjects.  He is therefore called a National Monarch.  The Mansabdari System was the main essence of his Government.   Akbar’s tomb is at Sikandra near Agra.  Historians say that it was Akbar the real founder of the Mughal Empire in India.
Akbar  Nama :   In which the chief events of  Akbar’s reign are recorded.

Ala-ud-din Khilji కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Ala-ud-dinKhilji  Ala-ud-dinKhilji was the founder of Khilji dynasty. Brought almost the whole of India under his rule.  He was a great administrator. He strictly forbade drinking. He introduced a system of price control and rationing. Albert Einstein :  A world famous scientist of German Swiss origin  who settled down in the U.S.A. after he was driven out by the Nazis from Germany in 1933. He is the author of the  Theory of Relativity.

Alexander Cunningham కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Alexander Cunningham : (1814-1893 A.D.) He was the father of Indian Archaeology and first Director-General of the  Indian Archaeology Survey 1879-1885. Through his efforts a beginning was made in translating and dating ancient inscriptions and in describing archaeological sites.

Alexander Fleming కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Alexander Fleming :  He is the discoverer of penicillin. He received in 1945 Nobel Prize for Medicine.

alexander the great కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Alexander, the Great :  Alexander, son of Philip, King of Macedonia, North of Greece. He was one of the greatest  conquerors  of  the  world.  He  was  born in  356  B. C.   The  famous  philosopher,  Aristotle was his  tutor,   Alexander  made  his   object   to  conquer the  world.  In  326  B. C.  he  invaded  India. He was the first European invader on the Indian soil.  In the Battle  with  Porus,  Alexander  was victorious. Alexander  lost  his  famous horse, Bucephalecus in the Battle. His army felt homesick and insisted to return. Alexander died in 323 B.C. in Babylonia. The result of Alexander invasion promoted the political unification of India.

first Portuguese Governor కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Almeida : Almeida was the first Portuguese Governor. He strengthened the Portuguese sea power.

Alfonso Albuquerque కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Alfonso Albuquerque :  Alfonso Albuquerque considered to be the ablest Portuguese  Viceroy in India. His policy was to destroy the Muslim traders and to establish a Portuguese Empire in the East. He conquered Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur and made it his Capital. He founded many Portuguese settlements all along the  West Coast of India e.g. Diu, Daman, Bassein, Bombay, etc. He was the founder of the Portuguese Empire in the East. The Portuguese power lasted a century and a half and then it began to decline. Goa, Daman and Diu have been taken over by the Indian  Government.

Alan Octavian Hume కోసం చిత్ర ఫలితం
Alan Octavian Hume (A.O.Hume) :  A retired English civilian founded the Indian National Congress in 1885 with the help of educated Indians and a few Englishmen. In the beginning, it was an association to discuss matters  concerning  the welfare of the Indians. Gradually it became a political body in opposition to the British Government.

Ambedkar B.R. :  Dr.Ambedkar is a well known Indian Jurist Statesman, soical reformer and scheduled castes leader.  He was the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Body and played a significant role in drafting the Indian Constitution after India attained independence. He was posthumously awarded 1990 Bharat Ratna.

Amir Khusro :   Amir Khusro called the “Parrot of India” patronised by Alaudin Khilji. His literary works are Laila Majnu, Tuglaq Nama etc. Amir Khusro flourished during the reign of Alaudin Khilji.

Amitabh Bachchan :  The film star, who is making waves  with  Star  Plus “Kaun Banega Crorepati” unveiled  his  life  like  wax  figure  in  Madame Tussaud’s wax Museum in London on December 20, 2000.

Annadurai C.N. :  Born in Kancheepuram, founded DMK party. He was the first Chief Minister of DMK party in  Tamil Nadu.  A  great writer and orator in  Tamil and English, he is affectionately called “Anna”.

Antony :   He was supporter of Julius Caesar and fought Brutus after the death of Caesar. He also fell in love with Cleopatra.

Arundhati Roy : This Indian writer has bagged the prestigious Booker Prize (1997) for her very first novel “The God of Small Things”. Arundhati Roy is the first resident Indian recipient of the literary honour.

Aryabhatta :    Aryabhatta is a celebrated Indian astronomer and mathematician who adorned the court of Chandra Gupta  Vikramaditya. India’s first satellite was christened after him. He laid the foundation of Algebra and was responsible for pointing out the importance of “zero”.

AsvagoshaHe was a great Buddhist scholar. He adorned the court of Kanishka. A great council was convened about 102 A.D. by Kanishka for codifying the new doctrines of Mahayanism. Asvagosha was the President of the Council. The commentary known as “Mahavibasha” was inscribed in copper plates and enclosed in stone boxes.

Asoka the Great :   Asoka, the most famous king of the Maurya Dynasty, was one of the greatest kings of the world. He was generally known as “Devanampriya” which means Beloved of the Gods and “Priyadasi” which means of pleasing appearance. The most important event of his reign was the war with Kalinga. The horrors of Kalinga  War moved him deeply. He gave up military conquests.  Thereafter, he evolved a policy of Dharmavijaya, conquest by pity.  Asoka was a Buddhist by faith and wanted to make Buddhism a world religion. He got the principles of Buddhism inscribed on rocks and pillars, these pillars, one at Sarnath was the most magnificient. The National Emblem of our Government is taken from this design. The late historian, H.G.Wells regards  Asoka as the greatest Monarch in history.

Atal Behari  Vajpayee :  The first Indian Prime Minister to reach  Wagah border by bus in a bold initiative of peace with Pakistan.  The bus ride to  Wagah and his historic visit to Lahore was hailed all over the world as a new chapter in the relations between India and Pakistan.

Attlee, Clement Richard :  He was the Labour Prime Minister of England between 1945-51. His works include an autobiography. During his period, he deputed Lord Louis Mountbatten to India for the settlement of Indian Independence.

Aurangzeb :    Aurangzeb was the last of the great Mughal emperors. He ascended the throne with the title of  Alamgir, conqueror of the world.  The French Physician Bernier visited the court of Aurangzeb. During his reign, the Marathas became strong in the Deccan. Shivaji the Maratha Chief defeated Shaista Khan sent by Aurangzeb. Jats proved a menace to the Mughal Empire.  The Sikhs under the Guru  Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru protested against the antiHindu policy of  Aurangzeb, so Guru  Tegh Bahadur had to suffer martyrdom. Aurangzeb imposed Jaziya tax on Hindus. The Rajputs also became enemies to Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb’s private life was ideally simple. He thought it a sin to use a pie for his own use out of the Government  Treasury, and earned his living by making caps and copies of the Quaran. He simply hated music and banished it from his court. Aurangzeb could not crush the supremacy of the Marathas,  Tarabai, a very intelligent and gallant lady took the leadership and continued the  struggle  successfully.   Aurangzeb completely   reversed the  religious policy of Akbar and incurred the downfall of Mughal Rule.

Aurobindo Ghosh :    He was a brilliant scholar and a revolutionary member of the Congress. He spread the spirit of Nationalism through his forceful writings and speeches. He was the editor of “Vande Mataram”. He took active part in the agitations held against  the partition  of  Bengal in 1905 introduced by Lord Curzon. The British Government involved him in the famous  Alipore Conspiracy Case. Later, he gave up Politics and came away to Pondicherry to lead a spiritual life. He established  Ashram in Pondicherry. He wrote essays on Gita and Savitiri, Life Divine, etc.

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