Current Affairs

The Continents of the World – Continents Geography

· Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Antarctica are the seven continents of the world.

· These seven continents were believed tobe part of Pangaea which was a single landmass around 250 million years ago.
· Due to the tectonic movement, the landmass broke up and the component continents separated and moved away to it’s present position. All these took around 1 million years to complete.

The Continents of the World
  • · Asia Continents Countries
  • · Africa Continents Countries
  • · North America Continents Countries
  • · South America Continents Countries
  • · Europe Continents Countries
  • · Australia Continents Countries
  • · Antarctica Continents Countries


1) Area: 44,485,900 sq Kms
2) Straits Strait of Malacca, Bering Strait.
3) Mountains Pamir Knot, Himalayas, Karakoram, Kunlun,Tien Shan, Altai, Hindu Kush, Elburz, Pontic,Sulaiman, Zagros, Taurus, Urals,Yablonovoi,Stanovoi.
4) Highest Point Everest (8,848 m)
5) Lowest Point Dead Sea (396.8 m)
6) Islands—Kurile, Sakhalin, Honshu,Hokkaido, Taiwan, Borneo,Sumatra, Java,Celebes, New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka,Bahrain, Cyprus.
7)Rivers-Eupharates, Tigris, Indus, Ganga,Brahmaputra, Hwang-Ho, Yang-tse, Si-kiang,Amur, Lena-Yenisei, Ob, Irrawady, Salween,Mekong.
8)Peninsulas—Kamchatka Peninsula,Peninsula of Korea, Peninsula of Indo-China,Malay Peninsula. Indian Peninsula, ArabianPeninsula.
9) Deserts-Arab, Thar


1 Area 30,259,680 sq Kms
2 Straits–Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, Straits ofGibraltar
3 Mountains–Atlas, Drakensberg,Kilimanjaro
4 Highest Point-Kilimanjaro (5,894 m)
5 Lowest Point-Lake Assai (-156.1 m.)
6 Islands–Madagascar, Cape Verde Islands,The Comoros, Mauritius, Seychelles
7 Plateaus–The whole continent is aplateau
8 Deserts–Kalahari, Sahara Namib



1 Area–24,235,280 sq Kms
2 Straits–Bering Strait
3 Mountains–Rockies, Appalachain,Brooks, Kuskolkwim, Alaska Range, CascadeRange, Coastal Range, Sierra Nevada, SierraMadre
4 Highest Point–Mckinley (6,194 m.)
5 Lowest Point–Death Valley(-85.9 m)
6 Islands–Greenland, Baffin, Victoria,Newfoundland, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti
7 Rivers–Mississippi, Missourie, St.Lawrence, Mackenzie, Colorado, Hudson,Potomac, Ohio
8 Plateaus–ColumbiaPlateau, ColoradoPlateau, Mexican Plateau, Canadian Shield.
9 Deserts–Chihuahuan, Colorado, Mujave,Sonoran


1 Area–17,820,770 sq Kms
3 Mountains–Andes
4 Highest Point-Aconcagua (6,960 m)
5 Lowest-Point Valdes Penin (-39.9 m)
6 Islands-Galapagos, Falkland, Tierra delFuego.
7 Rivers–Amazon, Orinoco, Paraguay,Parana, Uruguay
8 Plateaus–Plateau of Bolivia, Plateau of Equador
9 Deserts–Atacama, Pantagonia


1 Area–10,530,750 sq Kms
2 Straits–Straits of Gibraltar
3 Mountains–Alps, Pyrenes, Appenines,Dinaric Alps, Carpathians, TransylvanianMountains, Balkans, Caucasus, Urals
4 Highest Point–Elbrus (5,663 M.)
5 Lowest Point–Caspian Sea (-28.0 m)
6 Islands–British Isles, Iceland, Sardinia,Sicily,Crete.
7 Rivers–Volga, Danube, Rhine, Po,Dnieper, Don, Vistula, Elbe, Oder, Seine,Loire, Garrone, Douro, Tagus, Ural
8 Plateaus–Plateau of Bohemia, Plateau of Spain, Central Massif


1 Area–7,830,682 sq Kms
2 Straits–Bass Strait
3 Mountains–Great Dividing Range
4 Highest Point–Kosclusko (2,228 m.)
5 Lowest Point–Lake Eyre (-15.8 m.)
6 Islands–Tasmania
7 Plateaus–Western Plateau
8 Deserts–Gibson Desert, Great Sandy Desert, Great Victoria Desert, Simpson Desert.


1 Area–14,000,000 sq Kms
Straits–Graham Land
Mountains– Heard Island and McDonald Islands
4 Highest Point–Mount Rutford (4,477 metres (14,688 ft))
5 Lowest Point–Mount Vinson rising 4,892 metres (16,050 feet)
Islands– Berkner Island
Plateaus–Polar Plateau
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