
CTET & DSC important Biology Quiz

1. Which of the following is biotic factor
a) air
b) soil
c) plant
d) sunlight

2. Minimata disease in Japan was caused by the accumulation of
a) DDT
b) Lead
c) Methyl mercury
d) Arsenic

3. Which of the following should be less, so that the top most carnivores will get more energy
a) producers
b) tropic levels
c) consumers
d) mass

4. Which of the following do plants not compete for?
a) water
b) food
c) space
d) All the above

5. First trophic level of ecological pyramid indicates
a) Producers
b) Primary consumers
c) Secondary consumers
d) Top consumers

6. The loss of energy at eachtrophic level of food chain is
a) about 10-20%
b) about 20-30%
c) about 30-40%
d) about 40 to 60%

7. Which one of the following is a renewable resource?
a) petroleum
b) coal
c) plants
d) natural gas

8. Which is alternative method to prevent ground water depletion?
a) Percolation pits
b) Water sheds
c) Recharge tanks
d) All of them

9. One person become obese along with his age. Is this obese character also be transmitted to his progeny?
a) can’t say
b) not transmitted
c) compulsorly transmitted
d) may be expressed in F2 generation

10. Which of the following are analogous organs
a) wings of birds, legs of cheetah
b) wings of bat, fins of whale
c) wings of birds, wings of bat
d) wings of bat, legs of horse

11. In which of the following rocks, the fossils are formed?
a) Magnus rocks
b) Sediments
c) Modified rocks
d) All

12. When does peristalsis occur in anti clockwise?
a) when bolus moves forward
b) when we drink water
c) when vomiting
d) when we are in fasting

13. Mohan took lunch at 1’O clock. How much time it takes to digest 100% and again he has to eat?
a) 2-5 hours
b) 2-3 hours
c) 4-7 hours
d) 4-5 hours

14. Doctor adviced dileep that, he has to take insulin daily compulsorily from which disease is he suffering?
a) epilepsy
b) diabetes insipidus
c) diabetes mellitus
d) langerhans

15. Stock and scion are attached. Which type of characters will come in the offspring
a) characters of stock
b) characters of scion
c) special desired characters
d) can’t say

16. Ovary → _____ → Ovum → Ovulation → Fallopian tube → uterus. What will be in the missed one?
a) Ovary
b) Graffian follicle
c) Cavity of ovule
d) canal

17. The organism which reproduce through conjugation is
a) ameoba
b) euglena
c) paramoecium
d) bacteria

18. Which of the following is not concerned with Ghrelin
a) This hormone secretes when stomach is empty
b) certain cells in the walls of stomach secretes ghrelin
c) due to the secretion of Ghrelin, hunger sigmals generates
d) Ghrelin suppresses the hunger

19. Janani wrote the dental formula like this 2/2, 1/1, 2/2, 2/2. Which teeth were lacked in this?
a) premolars
b) incissors
c) canines
d) molars

20. Which of the following is not the reason for choosing of pea plant by Mendal for his experiments?
a) having of bisexual flower
b) annual plant
c) self pollination
d) not suitable for crossing

21. Observe A and B statements
A. Yellow colour YY is pure breed
B. Green colour yy is also pure breed
a) both are true
b) only A is true
c) only B is true
d) both are false

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