Current Affairs

General Knowledge Quiz for Food Corporation of India (FCI)

1. The resin duct of a gymnospermous stem is an 2 example of:
(1) Intercellular space
(2) Schizogenous cavity
(3) lysogenous cavity
(4) Big vacuole

2. After penetrating stigmatic and stylar tissue, the 2 pollen tube usually grows down towards egg cell because:
(1) It has no other passage to follow
(2) It grows under the control of egg nucleus
(3) The egg cell attracts the pollen tubes as they have dissimilar electric charge
(4) The feliform apparatus of synergid is believed to attract pollen tube
3. A pome fruit is said to be false because:
(1) its pericarp is inconspicuous
(2) Its endocarp is cartilagenous
(3) Its actual fruit is located within an edible fleshy thalamus
(4) It develops from an inferior ovary
4. Middle layer of heart is called:
(1) Pericardium
(2) Endocardium
(3) Epicardium
(4) Myocardium
5. Botanical name of jowar is:
(1) Sorghum suda nance
(2) Hondium vulgare
(3) Sorghum bicolor
(4) Sorghum vulgare
6. Cotton belongs to the family:
(1) Malvaceae
(2) Solanace
(3) Compositae
(4) Tiliaceae
7. Palpiger is a part of:
(1) Labium
(2) Maxillae
(3) Antenna
(4) Leg
8. In which of following polymorphism is present:
(1) White ant
(2) Honey bees
(3) Silk moth
(4) Grass-hopper
9. Which of following is not an invertebrate:
(1) Silver fish
(2) Jelly fish
(3) Cat fish
(4) Cuttle fish
10. Which of following is not an excretory organ:
(1) Lungs
(2) Kidneys
(3) Spleen
(4) Skin
11. Hepatic caecae are part of:
(1) Rectum
(2) Midgut
(3) Hindgut
(4) Foregut
12. Which one is a root crop:
(1) Potato
(2) Onion
(3) Garlic
(4) Turnip
13. Blue chaff disease of oats is due to deficiency of
(1) Copper
(2) Molybdenum
(3) Boron
(4) Manganese
14. Purple pigmentation in Brassicas is due to:
(1) Deficiency of Iron
(2) Excessive nitrogen
(3) Potassium deficiency
(4) Phosphorus deficiency
15. “Red rust of tea” is caused by
(1) Fungi
(2) Bacteria
(3) Virus
(4) Algae
16. An organism which is generally without plastid but can synthesize its organic food is:
(1) Bacteria
(2) Virus
(3) Bacteriophage
(4) Fungi
17. Fungal cell wall is composed of:
(1) Chitin
(2) Pectin
(3) Suberin
(4) Hemicellulose
18. Which of the following is good example of heterothallism:
(1) Pinus
(2) Spiro
(3) Mucor
(4) Ricinus
19. In Funaria, dispersal of spores takes place by:
(1) Calyptra
(2) Peristome
(3) Columella
(4) Foot
20. Sporangia bearing leaf of fern is called:
(1) Ramen tum
(2) Inducium
(3) Sporophyll
(4) Sorus
21. An organism which is generally without plastid but can synthesize its organic food is:
(1) Bacteria
(2) Virus
(3) Fungi
(4) Bacteriophage
22. Pollination in Cycas is by:
(1) Wind
(2) Water
(3) Insect
(4) Man
23. Coralloid roots of Cycas shows:
(1) Green algae
(2) Blue Green algae
(3) Fungi
(4) insects
24. How many meiosis divisions are necessary to produce 100 pollen grains:
(1) 100
(2) 50
(3) 25
(4) 10
25. Edible part of apple is:
(1) Endosperm
(2) Cotyledon
(3) Fleshy thalamus
(4) Pericarp

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