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1. The diatoms do not easily decay like most of the other algae because:
(1) They have highly siliceous wall
(2) They are non-living
(3) They have water proof cells
(4) Their walls are mucilaginous

2. Which one of following statement is not true for bryophytes:
(1) They lack tracheids and sieve tubes
(2) They are photosynthetic
(3) Their zygote undergoes meiosis and then produces sporophyte
(4) Their spores germinate, producing gametophytes

3. Tetra dynamous androecium is characterised by:
(1) outer 2 long and inner 2 short stamens
(2) outer 2 short and inner 4 long stamens
(3) outer 4 long and inner 2 short stamens
(4) outer 4 short and inner 2 long stamens

4. The three sub families of leguminosae are distinguished mainly on the basis of
(1) Nature of gynoecium
(2) Nature of corolla and stamens
(3) Nature of habit of the plants
(4) Nature of fruits

5. If osmotic potential of a cell is 10 bars” and its pressure potential is +5 bars, its water potential would be:
(1) -5 bars
(2) +5 bars
(3) -10 bars
(4) 15 bars

6. In plants a common symptom caused by deficiency of P, K, Ca and Mg is:
(1) Bending of leaf tip
(2) Formation of anthocyanin
(3) Poor development of vasculature
(4) Appearance of dead neurotic areas

7. Hill reaction is concerned with production of
(1) Reducing agent like TPNH2 or NADPH2 and oxygen from H2O from chloroplast
(2) oxygen due to photolysis in chloroplast
(3) Reducing agent and ATP in chloroplast
(4) Reducing agent and ATP in mitochondria

8. An appratus commonly used to demonstrate phototropism is:
(1) Heliotropic chamber
(2) Clinostat
(3) Aro auxanometer
(4) Photometer

9. Lysosomes are the store house of
(1) ATP
(2) Hydrolytic enzymes
(3) Glycoproteins
(4) Fats

10. Post anal tail is not found in
(1) Amphioxus
(2) Frog
(3) Birds
(4) Cockroach

11. Which of these arteries carries impure blood?
(1) Carotid
(2) Brachial
(3) Pulmonary
(4) Gonadia

12. Weedicide controlling  Phalaris minor in wheat crop is
(1) Atrazin
(2) Isoproturon
(3) Paraquat
(4) 2, 4-D

13. Plant nutrient increasing disease resistance in plants is:
(1) Nitrogen
(2) Phosphorus
(3) Potassium
(4) None of these

14. Symbiotic bacteria is:
(1) Azotobactor
(2) Algae
(3) Fungi
(4) Rhizobium

15. Green manure crop providing maximum nitrogen is:
(1) Moong
(2) Guar
(3) Sanai
(4) Lobia

16. Edible part of Knol Khol is:
(1) Modified leaf
(2) Modified flower
(3) Modified stem
(4) Modified root

17. Maize is a monocious plant in which male flower emerges
(1) With female flower
(2) A week before emergence of female flower
(3) A week after emergence of female flower
(4) None of these

18. Carrot belongs to the family:
(1) Solanaceae
(2) Umbelliferae
(3) Cruciferae
(4) Compositae

19. Sawfly is serious pests of:
(1) Radish
(2) Onion
(3) Pea
(4) Carrot

20. Formation of bivalents during meiosis occurs at:
(1) Leptotene
(2) Diplotene
(3) Pachytene
(4) Zygotene

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