Current Affairs

FCI Recruitment Special Grand Quiz

1. Name the family of watermelon
(1) Malvacease
(2) Leguminosae
(3) Cucurbitaceae
(4) Crucifereae

2. The nitrogen fixing bacterium is
(1) Escherichia
(2) Diplococcus
(3) Azotobacter
(4) Hemophilus

3. Total number of stamens in pigeon pea flower is:
(1) 5
(2) 10
(3) 15
(4) 9

4. RNA controls the synthesis of:
(1) Amino acids
(2) Nucleotide
(3) Chromosomes
(4) Enzymes

5. Mitochondria are absent in:
(1) Yeast
(2) Fungi
(3) Bactria
(4) Green algae

6. In crossing self fertilised plants the flowers are first emasculated. Which organ of flower is removed in this process:
(1) Stigma
(2) Anthers
(3) ovules
(4) Sepals

7. The lateral branches in dicot root arise from:
(1) Cortex
(2) Endodermis
(3) Phellogen
(4) Pencycle

8. conjoint, collateral and open vascular bundles are found in a:
(1) Dicot stem
(2) Monocot stem
(3) Dicot root
(4) Momocot root

9. The cork in dicotyledonous plants is formed by:
(1) Phellogen
(2) Phelloderm
(3) Phellum
(4) Cambium

10. Plants such as Pandanus and Rhizophora are examples of
(1) Xerophytes
(2) Mesophytes
(3) Hydrophytes
(4) Halophytes

11. Protein rich alga is:
(1) Chlamydomonas
(2) Scytonema
(3) Costar I um
(4) Spirulina

12. The mode of arrangement of leaves on the stem and the branch, is known as:
(1) Vernation
(2) Vernalization
(3) Phyllotaxy
(4) Venation

13. Metamerism is the diagnostic feature of:
(1) Mollusca
(2) Porifera
(3) Platyhelminthes
(4) Annelida

14. Peripatus is a connecting link between
(1) Annelida and Mollusca
(2) Annelida and Arthropoda
(3) Mollusca and Arthropoda
(4) Reptilia and Aves

15. Which is poikilothermic animal:
(1) Parrot
(2) Lion
(3) Wall lizard
(4) Bat

16. Choanocytes are found only in:
(1) Sponges
(2) Cnidarians
(3) Annelida
(4) Ascaris

17. BMR is controlled by:
(1) Thyroxin
(2) Adrenaline
(3) Growth hormone
(4) Insulin

18. Syncytial epidermis is found in:
(1) Hydra
(2) Ascars
(3) Earthworm
(4) Starfish

19. The infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is:
(1) Sporozoite
(2) Minuta form
(3) Binucleate cyst
(4) Tetranucleate cyst

20. Mammary glands are modified:
(1) Sweat glands
(2) Sebaceous glands
(3) Endocrine glands
(4) All of these

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