Current Affairs

Famous Personalities – India and International

Famous Personalities

India and International

Which child artist got Critics Best Actor Award for his acting in a film Taare Zameen Par?
– Darsheel Safary

Who is the person of Indian origin nominated as the Governor of Louisiana, an American state?
– Bobby Jindal

Who is the elected Prime Minister of Pakistan from Pakistan People’s Party?
– Yousuf Raza Gillani

Late Vijay Tendulkar who died in 2008 were famous in which field?
– Playwright

Who is generally regarded as the pioneer of Local Self Government in Modern India?
– Ripon

Who is known as founder of   Mohemmadan Anglo-Oriental college at Aligarh?
– Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Who was the first recipient of Nehru Award for International Understanding?
– Martin Luther King

Who is known as ‘Lady with the Lamp’?
– Florence Nightingale

Who is the renowned flute player?
– Hari Prasad Chaurasia

With which musical instrument was Ustad Mustaq Ali Khan associated?
– Sitar

Who was the first woman to go in space?
– Valentina Tereshkova

Late Girilal Jain was a noted figure in which field?
– Journalism

In which field Aachan Maharaj has distinguished himself?
– Dance

Begum Akhtar is associated with which field?
– Vocal Music

Satyan Bose is known for his excellence in which field?
– Motion

Picture For which dance Birju Maharaj is well known?
– Kathak Who headed the committee on computerisation in Indian

Who is known as Father of Geometry?
– Euclid

Who was the first person to set foot on moon?
– Neil Armstrong

Who is the creator of Rock Garden in Chandigarh?
– Nek Chand

Who is called the Flying Sikh of India?
– Milkha Singh

Who inspired Green Revolution in India?
– N.E. Borlaug

Who is the man popularly kwown as Gurudev?
– Rabindranath Tagore

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