Current Affairs

APPSC Group IV (10th Class Level) New Syllabus – APPSC Group 4 (SSC Level) New Syllabus




Existing Syllabus
  • 1. History, Economics, Civics and Geography. 
  • 2. Physical Science. 
  • 3. Natural Science. 
  • 4. Current Affairs. 
  • 5. Reasoning and Analytical Ability. 
  • 6. Basic things about disaster management (CBSE- VIII & IX Standard) 
Proposed Syllabus

1. History
  • Indian History , and Andhra Pradesh History
  • i) Economic Growth and Development – Indicators of Economic Development – Characteristic Features of Developing Countries like India. 
  • ii) National Income – Concepts of National Income – GNP – NNP – Percapita Income – Disposable Income – Estimation of National Income – Trends in National Income – Structural Changes in Indian Economy – Sectoral Distribution of GDP. 
  • iii) Planning and Economic Reforms in India – Meaning of Planning – Objectives – India’s Five  Year Plans –NITI AYOG – Twelth Five Year Plan – Eradication of Poverty and Reduction of unemployment Programmes . 
  • iv) Environment and Sustainable Development – Concepts of Environment – Linkages Between Environment and Economy – Environmental Pollutions – Types – Measures to Control Pollution – Sustainable Economic Development. 
  • v) Economy of Andhra Pradesh – Economic History of Andhra Pradesh – Characteristic features – Demographic features – Occupational Distribution of workforce – Development of Agricultural Sector, Industry and Service Sectors – Welfare measures – Civics and Geography.


  • Heat Light, Electricity Magnetism, Chemical equitation and reaction, Acids, Basis and Salts, Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements, Chemical bonding, Carbon it Compounds, Metallurgy (SSC Standard only).


  • Introduction to living organisms. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Structure, reproduction and uses of bacteria. Nature of viruses. Common diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Plant kingdom, Fungi and Animal Kingdom -salient features of algae, fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, invertebrates and vertebrates. Human Physiology. Uses of plants in food, fibre and medicine. Crop plants. Uses of animals in food and medicine .

5. Current Affairs

  • Latest Current Affairs 

5. Reasoning and Analytical Ability. 

6. Basic things about disaster management (CBSE – VIII & IX Standard) . 

7.** Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.




Existing Syllabus

  • 1) Mental Ability (Verbal and non- verbal) 
  • 2) Logical Reasoning 
  • 3) Comprehension 
  • 4) Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improve analysis of a passage 
  • 5) Numerical and Arithmetical abilities 

Proposed Syllabus

  • 1) Mental Ability (Verbal and non- verbal) 
  • 2) Logical Reasoning 
  • 3)** Comprehension: a) Descriptive Passage b) Logical Passage c) Narrative Passage 
  • 4)** a) Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improve analysis of a passage b) Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the given words/phrases 
  • 5) Numerical and Arithmetical abilities

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