Current Affairs

Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Question Paper held on August 2014

M Pharm Il semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations August 2014

(Common to Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics and Drug Regulatory Affairs & Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy)

(For students admitted in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 only)
Max Marks: 60                                                                                                  Time: 3 hours
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Explain in detail about bioavailability studies.
(b) Define nonequivalence, Discuss the experimental design of single dose bioequivalence study of any dosage form.
2. Describe in detail about the physiochemical factors influencing drug absorption from gastrointestinal tract with examples.
3.  Explain about formulation factors influence the bioavailability of drugs.
4. What are the assumptions made in the development of compartment models? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such compartmental model approach.
5. (a) How do you adjust the dose for hepatic impairment patient
(b) Explain in detail about non invasive methods of estimating pharmacokinetics parameters.
6 Write short notes on
(a) TDM
(b) Apparent volume of distribution.
(c) Accumulation Index
(d) Metabolic rate constant.
7 (a) Describe the various methods used for calculating absorption rare constant.
(b) Write a note on non-linear pharmacokinetics
8 (a) Explain the term time dependent pharmacokinetics.

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