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HEAT – 10th Class – Chemistry


1. Define the term temperature.
A. Temperature can be defined as the ‘degree of hotness or coldness’. It is a measure of thermal equilibrium.

2. How does sweat cools our body during evaporation?
A. When we work our bodies produce heat. As a result the temperature of the skin increases and water in the sweat glands evaporate from the body. This evaporation cools the body and it regulates the body temperature.

3. Define the term heat?
A. Heat is a form of energy that flows from a body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperature.

4. Define the term calorie?
A. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C is called calorie. (Here in calorie ‘c’ should be in small because it indicates gram calorie. Capital C in calorie indicates food Calorie which is equal to 1000 gram calories) 1 calorie = 4.186 Joules

5. What do you mean by evaporation?
A. The process of escaping of molecules from the surface of a liquid at any temperature is called evaporation.

6. Write about the factors that affect the rate of evaporation?
A. The factors that affect the rate of evaporation are surface area, temperature and amount of water vapour already present in the surrounding air.

7. Define condensation?
A. Condensation can be defined as “The change of phase from gas to liquid”.

8. What is humidity?
A. The amount of water vapour present in air is called humidity.

9. Explain about the formation of dew?
A. During winter nights, the atmospheric temperature falls down. The air near to the surfaces will be saturated with vapour and condensation begins. The water droplets condensed on such surfaces
are known as ‘dew’.

10. Explain the formation of fog?
A. During winter nights, if the temperature falls further, the whole atmosphere in that region contains a large amount of vapour and the water molecules present in vapour condenses on dust particles in air and form small droplets of water. These droplets keep floating in the air and form a thick mist which restricts visibility. This thick mist is called as fog.

11. Distinguish between boiling and boiling point?
A. Boiling: “Boiling is a process in which the bulk of the liquid from liquid phase changes to gaseous phase at a constant temperature and constant pressure”.
Boiling point: The temperature at which the liquid boils is called the boiling point of the liquid.

12. Define the term latent heat of vaporization?
A. Latent heat of vaporization can be defined as the amount of heat energy required to change 1 gram of liquid to gas at constant temperature. Its CGS units: cal/gm and SI units: J/Kg.

13. Distinguish between melting and melting point?
A. Melting: “The process in which solid phase changes to liquid phase at a constant temperature is
called melting”. Melting point: This constant temperature is called melting point.

14. Define the term Latent heat of fusion?
A. Latent heat of fusion can be defined as the amount of heat energy required to convert 1 gram of solid completely into liquid at a constant temperature.

15. Write about freezing?
A. Freezing: “The process in which a substance in liquid phase changes to solid phase by losing some of its energy is called “freezing”.

1. Why is petrol evaporating in Petridish quickly under a fan when compared to that kept in a closed room?
A. The petrol in Petri dish evaporates quickly when compared to that kept in a closed room is because of the following reason.
1. The blowing air increases the rate of evaporation.
2. This is because any molecule escaping from the surface is blown away from the vicinity of the liquid. This increases the rate of evaporation.
2. Does the temperature of water rise continuously if heat is supplied continuously till 100°C?
A. Yes, if heat is supplied to water its temperature rises continuously till it reaches 100°C. At 100°C there will be no further rise of temperature, because heat is sterilized to convert water to water vapour. So, when heat is supplied beyond 100°C, all the water is converted into vapour.

3. How can you say average kinetic energy of the molecules is directly proportional to absolute temperature?

A. 1. The average kinetic energy of molecules/particles of the hot body is more than the colder body.
2. Temperature of a body acts as an indicator in determining the average kinetic energy of that body.
3. From the above, we conclude that average kinetic energy of the molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.

4. What is the heat energy required to rise 10 Kg of water from 25°C to 75°C?
A. Given m=10 kg = 10,000 gm t1 = 25°C; t2 = 75°C S = 1 cal/gm°C, we know that Q= mST
= 10000 X 1 X (75 – 25) = 10000 X 50; Q = 500000 calories.

5. If you drink 100 ml of water at 20°C. What is the heat gained by water from your body? (Body temperature is 37°C).
A. m=100g (1ml of water = 1 gm of water)
S=1 cal/gm°C; t1 = 20°C; t2 = 37°C Q = mST (T=t2 – t1) = 100 X 1 X (37 – 20) = 100 X 17 Q = 1700 calories.

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