

1) In 1928, a scientist discovered the first effective antibiotic, Scientist and antibiotic are
1)Flemming  Streptomycin
2) Flemming  Penicillin
3)Waksman Penicillin
4) Waksman  Streptomycin

2) Seweage treatment where decomposer bacteria are recycled into starting process is
1) Primary treatment
2) Activated sludge treatment
3) Cyclic treatment
4) Tertiary treatment

3) The greater BOD of waste water relates
1) Increases oxygen content of water
2)Decreased oxygen content of water
3)The decreases of temperature of water
4) All of these

4) Mycorrhiza does not help the host plant is
1) Enhancing its phosphorus uptake capacity
2) Increasing its tolerance to drought
3) Enhancing its resistance to root pathogens
4) Increasing its resistance to insects

5) Which of the following is included in biopesticide ?
2) Viruses, bacteria & fungi only
3) Viruses, bacteria, fungi , protozoa & mites only
4) Viruses, bacteria, fungi & protozoa only

6) Bio fertilizers include
1) Blue-green algae, rhizobium, other nitrogen fixing bacteria & mycorrhiza
2) Blue-green algae, trichoderma, rhizobium &other nitrogen-fixing bacteria
3) Rhizobium, other nitrogen-fixing bacteria, NPV and Mycorrhiza
4) Blue-green algae, Rhizobium, Bt and mycorrhiza

7) Mark the correct option ( W.r.t com position of biogas)
1) 50-70% H2
2) 30-40 % CO2
3) 95 % CH4
4) 10 % CO

8) Mycorrhiza does not help the host plant in :
1) Enhancing its phosphorus uptake capacity
2) Increasing its tolerance to drought
3) Enhancing its resistance to root pathogens
4) Increasing its resistance to insects

9) Which is used to prevent blood clotting in blood vessels ?
1) Steroids
2) Cyclo sporinA
3) Streptokinse
4) Statins

10) Which one is useful as immunosuppressive agent in organ transplant ?
1) Cyclosprin  C
2) Cyclosporin  L
3) Cyclosporin  A
4) All the above

11) The vitamin whose content increases following the conversion of milk into curd by lactic acid bacteria is :
1) Vitamin C
2) Vitamin D
3) Vitamin B12
4) Vitamin E

12) Which one is related with Monascus purpureus ?
1) Streptokinase  To prevent blood clotting
2) Cyclosporin  A  Immuno suppresser
3) Statins  Decreases the cholesterol in blood
4) All the given

13) Which is the group of autotrophmicro organisms ?
1)Anabaena, Nostoc, Glomus, Trichoderma
2)Aceletoria, Anabaena, Cynobacteria, Rhizopus
3) Nostoc, ASpergillus, Anabaena, Rhizopus
4) Oscillatoria, Anabaena, Nostoc, Cyanobacteria

14) Glomus is a
1) Cyanobacterium
2) Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacterium
3) Endomycorrhizal fungus
4) Non symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacterium

15) Which is correct sequence for purification process of STPs ?
1) Primary Sludge Effluent Flocs Active Sludge Biogas
2) Flocs Primary Sludge Effluent Active Sludge Bio gas
3) Primary Sludge Effluent Active Sludge Flocs Bio gas
4) Effluent Flocs Primary Sludge Active Sludge Bio gas

16) Effluent means….
1) water remaining under the primary sludge
2) Solid compounds of the sedimentation
3) water remaining over the primary sludge
4) Flocks forms from the primary sludge

17) Which group of micro organism is useful as a bio control agent ?
1)Cyanobacteria, Baculovirus, Trichoderma
2)Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, Bacillus thuringiensis
3)Rhizhobiam, Cyanobacteria, Psedomonas
4) All the given

18) Formation of flocks means….
1) Associated of virus with the bacteria remains in water
2) Bacteria which associated with the mychoriza of the fungus of water
3) Bacteria which associated with the mychorriza of the fungus of soil
4) Bacteria which associated with the solid waste of the water

19) By BOD which one is to be measured ?
1) A mount of organic matters of water
2) Industrial waste of water Resources
3) A mount of co which connected with Hb
4) Amount of required O2 for dark reaction of green plants

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