Current Affairs


1) F2 generation in a Mendelian cross showed that both genotypic and phenotypic ratios are same as 1:2:1 . It represents a case of
1) Dihybrid cross
2) Monohybrid cross with complete dominance
3) Monohybrid cross with incomplete dominance
4) Co-dominance

2) What ratio is expected in off springs if father is colorblind and mother’s father was colorblind?
1) 50% daughters are colorblind
2) All sons are colorblind
3) All daughters colorblind
4) All sons are normal

3) Considering that we have four nucleotides A,G,C & T the number of base substitutions that can occur in the amino acid codons is
1) 549
2) 564
3) 281
4) 256

4) The term “genetic code” was given by
1) Watson &Crick
2) Gamow
3) Beadle &Tatum
4) Yanofsky

5) Numbers of base pairs in one turn of B-DNA & Z-DNA are, respectively
1) 9 & 11
2) 10 & 11
3) 10 &12
4) 8 & 9

6) To code 50 amino acids in a polypeptide chain, what will be the minimum number of nucleotides in its cistron ?
1) 50
2) 153
3) 306
4) 300

7) Which is relatively the most accurate method of dating of fossils ?
1) Radiocarbon method
2) Potassium argon method
3) Electron spin- resonance method
4) Uranium lead method

8) Which is a pair of vestigial organs?
1) Coccyx and intercostals muscles
2) Coccyx and auricular muscles
3) Facial hairs in ladies
4) Coccyx and premolars

9) In recent years, DNA sequences of mitochondrial DNA & V-chromosomes were considered for the study of human evolution because
1) They can be studied from the sample of fossil remains
2) They are small and, therefore, easy to study
3) They are uniparental in origin & do not take part in recombination
4) Their structure is known in greater detail

10) One of the following drugs depresses ( switch off) the activities of eNS & is known as sedative . It gives feeling of calmness, relaxation, or drowsiness. It is
1) Opium
2) Heroin
3) Cocaine
4) Barbiturate

11) If a person is infected with some deadly microbes to which quick immune response is required as in tetanus, the doctor needs to directly inject
1) Antigenic protein of pathogen
2) Inactivated/weakened pathogens
3) Killed pathogens
4) Preformed antibodies/antitoxin

12) Which of the following statements is incorrect?
1) Epitopes are antigen-determining sites which are recognized by antibodies
2) Nowadays for the treatment of cancer, the patients are given substances called biological response
modifiers such as ?-interferon which activate their immune system and help in destroying the tumor
3) Toxoids provide passive immunity
4) ATS (anti tetanus serum) provides us artificially acquired passive immunity

13) Embryo culture is used for
1) Establishing suspension culture
2) Recovery of inter specific hybrids
3) Somatic hybridization
4) Haploid production

14) When domestic sewage mixes with water
1) Small animals such as rats will die after drinking river water
2) The increased microbial activity releases micronutrients such as iron
3) The increased microbial activity uses up dissolved oxygen
4) The river water is still suitable for drinking as impurities are only about 0.1%

15) All the following statements are correct about genetic engineering , but one is wrong. Which one is wrong ?
1) It is a technique for artificially & deliberately modifying DNA(genes) to suit human needs
2) It is often referred as gene splicing
3) The organism carrying the foreign genes is termed as transgenic or GMO
4) Alec Jeffrey is the father of genetic engineering

16) Appropriate techniques have been developed for large scale cell culture using bioreactors for producing
1) Foreign gene product
2) Vaccines
3) Hormones
4) All of these

17) The production of a human protein in bacteria in genetic engineering is possible because
1) Bacterial cell can carry out RNA splicing reactions
2) The mechanism of gene regulation is identical in humans and bacteria
3) Human chromosomes can replicate in bacterial cell
4) Genetic code is universal

18) Which of the following technique is being used to detect mutations in genes in suspected cancer patients?
1) PCR
3) Blood analysis

19) Which biotechnology company is credited with the synthesis of genetically engineered human insulin for the first time?
1) Celera genomics
2) Cipla
3) Eli Lily
4) Ranbaxy

20) Chemicals which provide physiological adaptations to plants against high temperature and saline conditions are
1) Chaperonins
2) Proline , glycerol
3) Betaine ,sorbital
4) All of these

21) Which of the following associations is not an example of symbiosis?
1) Lichen
2) Mycorrhiza
3) Root nodules
4) Epiphytes

22) Which of the following statements is correct?
1) Two species within a given community can have exactly the same niche
2) Two species within a given community cannot have exactly the same niche
3) Two species can live permanently together
4) both 2 & 3

23) The second stage of hydrosere is occupied by plants like
1) Azolla
2) Typha
3) Salix
4) Vallisneria

24) Which is not true regarding ecosystem?
1) Self-sufficient unit
2) Cyclic exchange of materials bet ween living beings and environment
3) Only requirement is input of energy
4) Characterized by a major vegetation type

25) In an area where DDT had been used extensively , the population of birds declined significantly because
1) Earthworms in the area got eradicated
2) Cobras were feeding exclusively on birds
3) Many eggs laid by birds did not hatch
4) Birds stopped laying eggs

26) Wild population of plants & animals & traditional life styles of tribals are protected in
1) Biosphere reserve
2) Sanctuary
3) National park
4) None of these

27) Identify the odd combination of the habitat and the particular animal concerned:
1) Periyar – Elephant
2) Rann of Kutch – Wild ass
3) Sunderbans – Bengal tiger
4) Dachigam National Park – Snow leopard

28) Which is not an effect of global warming?
1) More extreme weather condition
2) Poleward shifting of organism
3) Rise of sea level
4) God fungal growth in soil

29) If high-altitude birds become rare or extinct , the plants which may disappear along with them are
1) Pine
2) Oak
3) Orchids
4) Rhododrons

30) DDT residues are rapidly passed through food chain causing biomagnifications because DDT is
1) Water soluble
2) Fat soluble
3) Moderately toxic
4) Non-toxic to aquatic animals


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