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NEET Online Test

1) Apoplast is the system of adjacent cell walls that is continuous throughout the plant except at the

A) Plasmodesmata
B) Vessel elements
C) Casparian strips of endodermis
D) Tracheids

2) hich of the following pairs of bacteria is involved in two step conversion of NH3 into nitrate ?
1)Azotobacter & Nitrosomonas respectively
2)Nitrosomonas & Nitrobacter respectively
3)Azotobacter & Nitrobacter respectively
4)Pseudomonas & Nitrobacter respectively

3) CAM plants do not show photorespiration due to
1) Keepimg stomata closed during day time
2) Using PEP carboxylase
3) Fixing CO2 into organic acid in night and releasing Co2 during day
4)Performing Calvin cycle at night

4) As compared to C3 plants , how many additional molecules of ATP are needed for net production of one molecules of hexose sugar by C4 plants ?
1) Two
2) Six
3) Twelve
4) Zero

5) Glyceraldehyde phosphate is oxidisedin glycolysis. What is the fate of hydrogen atom and electron liberated. They cause
1) Oxidation of NAD+
2) Reduction of NAD+
3) Change in oxaloacetic acid
4) Formation of methane

6) Which of the following is an example of the dedifferentiation ?
1) The formation of tracheary elements (xylem tracheids and xylem vessels)
2) Formation of meristem like interfascicular cambium from fully differentiated parenchyma cells
3) Formation of meristem like cork cambium from fully differentiated parenchyma cells
4) Both B&C
7) The submucosal layer is made up of
1) Smooth muscles with some connective tissue
2) Thin mesothelium with some connective tissue
3) Loose connective tissues containing nerves, blood and lymph vessels
4) Both A & B

8) Which one is the correct matching for vitamin, its nature and deficiency disease ?
1)Vitamin A-Fat soluble-Night blindness
2) Vitamin K- Fat soluble- Beriberi
3) Vitamin-A Fat soluble- Beriberi
4) Vitamin K-water soluble- Pellagra

9) The direction of concentration gradient for CO2 is from
1) Tissues to blood and blood to alveoli
2) Blood to tissues and tissues to alveoli
3) Alveoli to blood and blood to tissues
4) Tissues to blood and alveoli to blood

10) Match the column I&II, and choose the correct combination from the options given
        Column I                    Column II
a) Eosinophils                   1) Coagulation
b) RBC                            2) Universal Recipient
c) AB group                     3) Resist infection
d) Platelets                       4) Contraction of Heart
e) Systole 5) Gas transport
1) a-3,b-5,c-2,d-1,e-4
2) a-5,b-1,c-3,d-4,e-2
3) a-3,b-1,c-2,d-5,e-4
4) a-3,b-5,c-2,d-4,e-1

11) Match the column I & II ,and choose the correct combination from the options given
      Column I                      Column II
a) Fishes                         1) Two-chambered
b) Amphibians                2) Three-chambered
c)Reptiles                        3) Four-chambered
d) Birds
e) Mammals
1) a-1,b-1,c-2,d-2,e-3
2) a-1,b-1,c-2,d-3,e-3
3) a-1,b-2,c-2,d-3,e-3
4) a-1,b-2,c-3,d-2,e-2

12) Match the columns and choose the correct combination
         Column I                           Column II
i)Ultrafiltration                        a) Henle s loop
ii) Concentration of urine         b) Ureter
iii) Transport of urine              c) Urinary bladder
iv) Storage of urine                  d) Malpighian corpuscl
                                                e) Proximal convoluted tubule
1) i-d,ii-a,iii-b,iv-c
2) i-d,ii-c,iii-b,iv-a
3) i-e,ii-d,iii-a,iv-b
4) iv-e,ii-d,iii-a,iv-b

13) In the knee jerk reflex effector & receptor are
1) Muscle spindle & motor endplate respectively
2) Afferent neuron & efferent neuron respectively
3) Motor endplate & muscle spindle respectively
4) Sensory neuron & motor neuron respectively

14) During the conduction of nerve impulse, the action potential is the result of movement of
1) Na+ from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid
2) Na+ from extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid
3) Na+ towards both directions
4) None of the above

15) Which one of the following hormones though synthesized elsewhere, is stored released by the master gland ?
1) Luteinizing
2) Prolactin
3) Melanocyte stimulating hormone
4) Antidiuretic hormone

16) The terms “sporoderm” and “ spermoderm” are used to represent, respectively
1) Spore wall & sperm wall
2) Anther wall & seed coat
3) Spore wall & seed coat
4) Integument of ovule &sperm wall

17) In some angiosperms &gymnosperms, multiple embryos are produced in which of the following way/ways?
1) By fertilization of synergids or antipodal cells by sperms
2) By cleavage of single zygote
3) One or more cells of the nucellus or integument develop into embryo
4) All of these

18) In pea, the pollen tube comes out of the pollen grains present on slide having 10% sugar solution in about
1) 5-10min
2) 15-30 min
3) 5-7 days
4) 1 month

19) The production of apomitic embryo from the cells of nucellus or integument is called
1) Parthenocarpy
2) Sporophytic budding
3) Adventive polyembryony
4) Both 2 &3

20) Polygonum type of embryo sac is
1) 7-celled , 8-nucleated structure
2) 8-celled , 8-nucleated structure
3) 6-celled , 8-nucleated structure
4) 6-celled , 6-nucleated structure

21) Which of the following plays important role in concentrating testosterone in the seminiferous tubules ?
1) Leydig,s cells
2) Sertoli cells
3) Granulosa cells
4) Tubuli recti

22) The fall in the number of sperms per millimeter of semen causes sterility. This is due to insufficient amount of
1) Acid phosphates
2) Alkaline phosphates
3) Testosterone
4) Hyaluronidase

23) Mosaic or determinate cleavage is found in
1) Sponges,echinoderms and eutherian mammals
2) Cyclostomes, elasmobranchs, dipnoi, amphibian, & cephalopod mollusks
3) Coelenterates
4) Nematodes & amphioxus

24) Fertilization is fusion of
1) Diploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to from diploid zygote
2) Haploid spermatozoan with dip loid ovum to from diploid zygote
3) Diploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote
4) Haploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote

25) Which of the following cannot be considered as an advantage of amniocentesis?
1) Prenatal diagnostics
2) Detection of biochemical abnormalities
3) Detection of congenital defects
4) Determination of sex to abort female fetus

26) A holandric gene is known for hypertrichosis( long hairs on ears . When a man with hairy ears marries a normal woman, what percentage of their daughters would be expected to have ears?
1) 100%
2) 0%
3) 50%
4) 25%

27) Which one of the following genes influences the viability of the organisms when present in homozygous condition ?
1) Curly wings gene in Drosophila
2) Plum eyes gene in Drosophila
3) Sickle-Cell gene
4) All of these

28) A normal woman, whose father had hemophilia, married a normal man. What is the chance of occurrence of hemophilia in their children?
1) 25% children will be hemophilic
2) 50% children will be hemophilic
3) 75% children will be hemophilic
4) None hemophilic but 75% will be carriers

29) Select the correct statement from the ones gives with respect to dihybrid cross?
1) Tightly linked genes on the same chromosome show higher recombinations
2) Genes far apart on the chromosome show very few recombinations
3) Genes loosely linked on the same chromosome show similar recombinations as the tightly linked ones
4) Tightly linked genes on the same chromosome show very few recombinations

30) A normal- visioned man whose father was colorblind marries a woman whose father was also colorblind. They have their first child as a daughter. What are the chances that this child would as a daughter. What are the chances that this child would be colorblind?
1) Zero percent
2) 25 %
3) 50%
4) 100%

NEET Online Test

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