Current Affairs

Economics Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which Five Year plan focused on Social Justice and Equality?
a. 8th plan
b. 9th plan
c. 10th plan
d. 11th plan

2. Planning Commission was set up in?
a. 1948
b. 1950
c. 1951
d. 1952

3. Chairman of planning Commission is…
a. Finance Minister
b. Prime Minister
c. Industry Minister
d. Agriculture Minister

4. Annual Plans were implemented during the period?
a. 1961-63
b. 1969-72
c. 1966-69
d. 1963-66

5. Fourth Five Year plan gave preference to..?
a. Self Reliance
b. Economic Stability, Self Reliance
c. Removal of poverty
d. Employment Generation

6. India has adopted?
a. Capitalism Economy
b. Socialism Economy
c. Mixed Economy
d. Feudalism Economy

7. Focus of the eighth Five Year plan is on?
a. poverty
b. agriculture
c. Industries
d. human Resources

8. Which is the correct statement?
a. 8th plan – 1992-97
b. 9th plan – 1996-2001
c. 4th plan – 1970-75
d. 6th plan – 1985-90

9. Which is the incorrect statement?
a. 1st plan – Agriculture Sector
b. 5th plan – Removal of Poverty
c. 6th plan – Employment & Technical Self Reliance
d. 10th plan – Faster & inclusive Economic growth

10. Chairman of the National Development Council is.
a. Finance Minister
b. Transport Minister
c. Prime Minister
d. Industry Minister

11. Involuntary Unemployment was explained by.?
a. Marshall
b. Adam Smith
c. J.M. Keynes
d. Pigou

12. TRYSEM was Targeted at.
a. Urban Youth
b. Rural Youth
c. Sub Urbon Youth
d. All the above

13. NABARD was Introduced in?
a. 1982
b. 1980
c. 1984
d. 1981

14. Which programme was merged in to JRY in 1989?
d. NRY

15. Sixth Five Year plan introduced?
a. Dwaraka
d. all the above

16. Who wrote the book “Asian Drama”?
a. D.P. Dhar
b. D.R. Gadgil
c. Gunnar Myrdal
d. Pigou

17. Which is correct statement?
a. MWS – 1988
b. GKY – 1997
c. AAY – 2000
d. PMRY – 2006

18. National Housing Bank was Introduced in?
a. 1984
b. 1988
c. 1992
d. 1998

19. Securities Exchange Board of India was Introduced In?
a. 1988
b. 1992
c. 1994
d. 1996

20. Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) was set up in?
a. 1970
b. 1973
c. 1976
d. 1978

21. National Stock Exchange of India was set up In
a. 1990
b. 1991
c. 1992
d. 1996

22. Industry Policy Resolution of 1948 divided Industries into?
a. 3 Categories
b. 4 Categories
c. 2 Categories
d. 5 Categories

23. Industrial policy- 1956 Reserved industries for public sector?
a. 14
b. 12
c. 17
d. 10

24. New Industrial policy was Introduced in?
a. 1977
b. 1991

25. UTI is a?
a. Mutual Fund
b. Stock Market
c. Insurance Company
d. National Bank

26. Which of the following is not Commercial Bank?
d. NHB

27. Inflation leads to…
a. high profits
b. low profits
c. constant profits
d. None

28. Deflation leads to..
a. Boom
b. Recession
c. Depression
d. Progress

29. Inflationary gap was Introduced by..
a. J.M. Keynes
b. J.R. Hicks
c. A.C. pigou
d. Marshall

30. According to philips Curve, Relation between inflation an unemployment Rate is?
a. Negative
b. Possitive
c. Constant
d. No Relation

31. UNDP is a part of…
a. IMF
c. UNO
d. ADB

32. The head Quarters of IMF is in..
a. Washington
b. London
c. Newyork
d. Berlin

33. Special Drawing Rights Scheme was initiated in?
a. 1950
b. 1965
c. 1970
d. 1980

34. Rupee Revaluation in India…
a. 1949
b. 1966
c. 1991
d.all of the above

35. India joined the World Trade Organisation in…?
a. 1948
b. 1970
c. 1995
d. 1999

36. Match the following.

1. C.S.O a. 1992
2. N.D.C b. 1950
3. NSSO c. 1952
4. NSE d. 1951

a. a, b, c, d
b. d, c, b, a
c. a, b, d, c
d. c, d, b, a

37. Kisan Credit Card Scheme was Introduced in..?
a. 1995
b. 1996
c. 1998
d. 2002

38. SIDBI introduced is a…?
a. SBI
c. NHB

39. Food Corporation of India was set up in…?
a. 1960
b. 1965
c. 1975
d. 1963

40. MRTP Act was Implemented in…?
a. 1960
b. 1970
c. 1980
d. 1985

41. Which is the correct statement?
1. 1st Industrial Policy – 1948
2. 2nd Industrial Policy – 1956
3. 3rd Industrial Policy – 1977
4. 4th Industrial Policy – 1991
a. 1, 2 is right
b. 3, 4 is right
c. 1, 2, 3 is right
d. all of the above

42. Match the following.

1. SICA Act a. 1971
2. IRCI b. 1964
3. BIFR c. 1985
4. IDBI d. 1987

a. a, b, c, d
b. d, c, b, a
c. c, a, d, b
d. b, d, a, c

43. Which is the in correct statement?
a. 1st plan – agriculture
b. 4th plan – Economic stability
c. 7th plan – Technical Self Reliance
d. 5th plan – Poverty Eradication

44. “Comprenensive Crop Insurence” Sche me was Implemented in?
a. 1984-85
b. 1985-86
c. 1988-89
d. 1990-91

45. Which is the correct statement.
1. Indicative plan Introduced France
2. Planing by Direction Introduced Russia
3. Rolling plan Introduced Nedarlands
4. Decentralised plan Introduced America
a. a, b, c
b. a, b, c, d
c. a, b
d. b, c, d

46. Perspective planning Refers to.
a. Rolling plan
b. Indicative plan
c. Annual plan
d. Long-term plan

47. Which is the incorrect statement.
a. 1985-90 – 7th plan
b. 1997-2002 – 9th plan
c. 1961-66 – 3rd plan
d. 1975-80 – 5th plan

48. Cash Reserve Ratio is governed by the?
a. RBI
b. SEI

49. Census of population in India is done after?
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. 8 years
d. 6 years

50. Match the following.

1. LIC a. 1985
2. GIC b. 1956
3. SFC c. 1972
4. IRBI d. 1953

a. a, b, d, c
b. a, b, c, d
c. b, c, d, a
d. d, a, c, b

Economics Multiple Choice Questions

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