Current Affairs

General Awareness for All 2017 Competitive Exams

1. Who was the founder of Haryanka dynasty?
a. Bimnbisara
b. Udayin
c. Ajatasatru
d. None

2. Buddha died at
a. Sarnath
b. Kusinagara
c. Bodhgaya
d. None

3. “Devanampriya” title belongs to
a. Bindusara
b. Ashoka
c. Harsha Vardhana
d. Chandragupta

4. Which temple got the name of Black Pagoda
a. Sun Temple
b. Lingaraja Temple
c. Jagannath Temple
d. Kailash Temple

5. The inclination of the earth’s axis to the orbital plane is
a. 21 ½ °
b. 23 ½ °
c. 66 ½ °
d. 90°

6. In how many time zones has the world been divided into
a. 15
b. 24
c. 90
d. 180

7. When a ship crosses Date line from west to east
a. It loses one day
b. It gains one day
c. If loses half a day
d. It gains half a day

8. Which one of the following is a land locked county?
a. Angola
b. Gabon
c. Tanzania
d. Zimbabwe

9. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the states of
1. Gujarat 
2. Jharkhand
3. Asom 
4. Mizoram
a. 1, 2 and 4
b. 1 and 2
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

10. Zozila pass connects
a. Kashmir and Tibet
b. Leh and Kargil
c. Nepal and Tibet
d. Leh and Srinagar

11. The Himalayan rivers are
a. Monsoon fed
b. Snow fed
c. ephemeral
d. seasonal

12. Where is Indian institute of Petroleum located?
a. Visakhapatnam
b. Delhi
c. Dehradun
d. Chennai

13. Centigrade and Fahrenheit temperatures are the same at
a. -273°
b. -40°
c. 32°
d. 40°

14. The largest living bird is
a. Duck
b. Dodo
c. Ostrich
d. Peacock

15. The market regulations in India were introduced by
a. Balban
b. Shershahsuri
c. Akbar
d. Allavddin khilji

16.The script of the Indus valley civilization is
a. Brahmi
b. Tamil
c. Kharosthi
d. On deciphered

17. Who was the first Foreign Minister of free India?
a. Jawahar Lal Nehru
b. Gulzar Lal Nanda
c. Lalbahdur Shastri
d. John Mathai

18. The idea of the constitution of India was first of all given by
a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
c. J.L. Nehru
d. M.N. Roy

19. The Indian constitution closely follows the constitutional system of
a. USA
b. UK
c. Switzerland
d. Russia

20. Under which article of the constitution is the president’s rule promulgated in any state in India?
a. 356
b. 352
c. 360
d. 370

21. Which of the following can be abolished but not dissolved?
a. Rajya Sabha
b. Municipal Bodies
c. State legislative council
d. None of the above

22. Which of the following comes under concurrent list?
a. Inter – state rivers
b. Trade unions
c. Citizenship
d. Local government

23. A rolling plan is a plan to
a. One year
b. Three years
c. Five years
d. Year to year basis

24. “Legal Tender money” refers to
a. Cheques
b. Drafts
c. Bills of Exchanges
d. Currency notes

25. What is the animal on insignia of the RBI?
a. Lion
b. Tiger
c. Panther
d. Elephant

26. Contact lenses are made from
a. Polyvinyl chloride
b. Polystyrene
c. Lucite
d. Teflon

27. If you swim 1 km. How many miles do you swim?
a. 0.5
b. 0.86
c. 0.62
d. 1.6

28. Which one of the following is another name of RDX
a. Cyanohydrin
b. Dextran
c. Cyclohexane
d. Cyclonite

29. A transformer works with
a. Alternating current
b. Direct current
c. Both a and b
d. Any signal

30. Insects that can transmit diseases to humans are referred to as
a. Carriers
b. Reservoirs
c. Vectors
d. Incubators

31. Cure to spinal injury is likely to emerge form
a. Gene therapy
b. Stem cell therapy
c. Xenograft
d. Transfusion

32. The ultimate cause of water movement in a plant stem against gravity is
a. Osmosis
b. Transpiration
c. Photosynthesis
d. Diffusion

33. Itching due to insect bite is caused by
a. Formic acid
b. Acetic acid
c. Lactic acid
d. Maleic acid

34. Pituitary gland is present
a. At the base of brain
b. Above the brain
c. Inside the brain
d. Outside the brain

35. The mammal which lays eggs is
a. Bat
b. Squirrel
c. Kangaroo
d. Duckbilled Platypus

36. For galvanizing iron which of the following metals is used?
a. Zinc
b. Copper
c. Aluminum
d. lead

37. Who won the men’s singles title in French open 2013?
a. David Ferrer
b. Rogar Federer
c. Rafeal Nadal
d. J. Martin Del potro

38. Which of the following state has the maximum Urban population as per the final data of census 2011?
a. Gujarat
b. Karnataka
c. Maharashtra
d. Andhra Pradesh

39. IIFA 2013 best film is
a. Kahani
b. Dabang
c. Barfi
d. None of these

40. Expand NPA.
a. Net Performing Asset
b. Non Performing Asset
c. New Provident Account
d. None of these

41. “Hassan Rouhani” is the president of
a) Iraq
b) Syria
c) Iran
d) Malaysia

42. 23rd CHOGM was held at
a) Moratuwa, Srilanka
b) Negombo, Srilanka
c) Colombo, Srilanka
d) None of these

43. Which of the following is the highest sugarcane producer in India?
a) Utter Pradesh
b) Punjab
c) Bihar
d) Maharashtra

44. Which country on 22 December, 2013 successfully made unmanned lunar probe?
a) USA
b) China
c) Russia
d) India

45. 2014 SAARC summit will be held in which country?
a) Srilanka
b) Afghanistan
c) Pakistan
d) Indonesia

46. The article related to Finance Commission is
a) 270
b) 280
c) 290
d) 300

47. World Economic forum (WEF) located at 116. “Hassan Rouhani” is the president of
a. Iraq
b. Syria
c. Iran
d. Malaysia

48. 23rd CHOGM was held at
a. Moratuwa, Srilanka
c. Colombo, Srilanka
d. None of these

49. Which of the following is the highest sugarcane producer in India?
a. Utter Pradesh
b. Punjab
c. Bihar
d. Maharashtra

50. Which country on 22 December, 2013 successfully made unmanned lunar probe?
a. USA
b. China
c. Russia
d. India

General Awareness for All 2017 Competitive Exams

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