GK Telugu

Modern India – Model Questions for Civils, Groups, NDA, SSC, other exams

1. Which of the fallowing pairs is right?
1. Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka – The earliest records of the Indian history exist in the form of the Rock Shelters of Bhim betka.
2. Mehrgarh Culture – Mehrgarh is one of the most significant sites belonging to the Neolithic Age.
3. Indus Valley Civilization – The Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in the 1920s.
4. All are right

2. Which of the fallowing pairs is right?
1. Early Harappan Phase- 3300 BC to 2600 BC
2. Mature Harappan Phase2600 BC to 1700 BC
3. Late Harappan Phase- 1700 BC to 1300 BC
4. All are right

3. Which of the fallowing pairs is right?
1. 600 BC- The formation of Sixteen Maha Janapadas
2. 599 BC – The birth of Mahavira
3. 563 BC – The birth of Siddhartha Gautama
4. All are right.

4. Which of the fallowing is wrong about Jainism
1. Jainism or Jain Dharma is the religious philosophy that originated in the Ancient India.
2. The religion is based on the teachings of the Tirthankaras.
3. The 23th Tirthankara, Lord Mahavira, is credited with propagating the religion in the various
parts of the world.
4. All are right

5. Which of the fallowing is wrong
1. 1191 AD – First battle of Tarain bet ween Mohammed Ghori & Prithivi Raj Chauhan III
2. 1192 AD – Second battle of Tarain between Ghauri and Prithivi Raj Chau han III
3. 1336 to 1565 AD- Vijayanagar Empire
4. All are right

6. Which of the fallowing is wrong 
1. 1488 AD – First voyage of Vasco-da- Gama to India
2. 1526 AD- Babur, the Mughal ruler of Kabul, invaded Delhi and Agra and killed Sultan Ibrahim
3. 1527 AD – Battle of Khanwa, in which Babur annexed Mewar
4. All are right

7. Which of the fallowing is right?
1. 1610 AD – East India company was formed in England
2. 1707 AD – Aurangzeb died and was succeeded by Bahadur Shah I
3. 1757 AD-Battle of Plassey was fought
4. 2, 3 are right

8. Which of the fallowing is right?
1. 857 AD- First Indian war of Independence, known as Indian Mutiny
2. 1885 AD-Indian National Congress was formed
3. 1930 AD- Dandi Salt March
4. All are right

9. Which of the fallowing is right?
1.1919 AD-Massacre at Jallian wala bagh
2. 1931 AD-Second Round Table Conference
3.1924 AD- Civil Disobedience Movement
4. 1, 2 are right

10. Which of the fallowing is right
1. 1941 AD – Quit India Movement
2. 1922 AD- Quit India Movementsus pended after the Chauri Chura violence
3. 1931- first round table confence
4. 1946- 2nd world war ends.

11. Which of the fallowing is right?
1. Gopal Krishna Gokhale servants of india.
2. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad The first education minister of free in dependent India, author of India Wins Freedom.
3. Subhash Chandra Bose was the founder of the Indian National Army.
4. All are right.

12. Which of the fallowing is wrong?
1. He was instrumental in the integration of over 500 princely states into the Indian Union.
2. Sarojini Naidu- title “The Nightingale of India”.
3. Tipu Sultan- the Tiger of Mysore
4. Rajendra Prasad-second president of India

13. Which of the fallowing is right about Tatya Tope
1. Ramachandra Pandurang Tope, is popularly known as Tatya Tope.
2. He came to the relief of Rani Lak shmi bai of Jhansi and with her seized the city of Gwalior.
3. He was executed by the British Government at Shivpuri on 18 April 1859.
4. All are right

14. Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie, a British official in London is killed by
1. Madan Lal Dhingra
2. Bhagat Singh
3. Udham Singh
4. None of the above

15. Which of the fallowing is right about Dadabhai Naoroji
1. He is known as the Grand Old Man of India
2. He was the first Asian to be a British MP.
3. He is the Indian to tell about Drain Theory
4. All are right

16. Who started Bhoodan movement in Telangana?
1. Dr. BR Ambedkar
2. Acharya Vinobha Bhave
3. Kaloji Narayana Rao
4. Ravi Narayana Reddy

17. Which of the fallowing is not freedom fighters in 1857 sepoymutiny?
1. Nana Sahib
2. Mangal Pandey
3. 1st Bahadur Shah
4. Jhansi Laxmibhai

18. Which of the fallowing is not right?
1. Bipin Chandra Pal- formation of INC
2. Hakim Ajmal Khan-founded the Jamia Millia Islamia University.
3. Chittaranjan Das- formation of Swaraj Party
4.Birsa Munda- tribal rebel against The British in Jharkhand

19. Which of the fallowing is wrong about Gandhiji
1. He is called as the Father of Nation by Tagore
2. His autobiography is My experiments with truth
3. His slogan is do or die at the time of Quit India movement
4. His first local movement is Ahma dabad Mills Strike

20. Which of the fallowing is not revolutionary during freedom struggle of India?
1. Rajguru
2. Sukhdev
3. Bhagat Singh
4. Surendranadh Benerjee

21. Lord Curzon partioned Bengal on the basis of religion in
1. 1903
2. 1904
3. 1905
3. 1906

22. Muslim League formed in ……
1. 1903
2. 1904
3. 1905
3. 1906

23.Which of the fallowing is wrong?
1. 1907- Tilak was imprisioned in Mandalay jail for seven years.
2.1909- Introduction of MintoMorley Reforms
3.1911- Abolition of Bengal patition
4. 1916- Release of Tilak from jail

24. Which of the fallowing is wrong?
1. 1907- In Lucknow meeting INC divided into Moderates and Extremists
2. 1916- Home rule movement started by Annie Besant, Tilak
3. Montague statement released by the Govt.
4. 1922- Rowlatt Act made by the British

25. Which of the fallowing is wrong?
1. 1920-22- Non-Co-operation Movement
2. 1930-34- Dandi March
3. 1942- Quit India Movement
4. 1945- Nava Mutiny

26. Which of the fallowing is wrong?
1. Bardoli Movement- Sardar Patel
2. Champaran Movement- Gandhiji
3. Young Bengal Movement- Henry Louis Vivian Derozio
4. None of the above is wrong

27. Which of the fallowing is wrong?
1. Mahmad Ali Jinnah-Two nation theory
2. D. Sardar Patel – Annilihation of the caste
3. Lord Mountbattan-June 3rd Plan
4. Simon commission- advised Round Table Conferences

28. Which of the fallowing is wrong?
1.1920-Montague-Chelmsford reforms
2. 1935- Act of Indian Govern ment
3.1947- Act of Indian Independence
4. All are right

29. After escaping from India, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose visited
1. Soviet Union
2. France
3. Japan
4. 1, 3 are true

30. Which of the fallowing is wrong?
   Founders –      Institutions
1. Swamy Vivekananda- Ramakrishna Mission
2. Raja Rammohan Rai- Brahma Samaj
3. Arya Samaj- Swamy Dayananda Saraswati
4. Theosophical Society (in India) – Nehru

1.4, 2. 4, 3. 4 4.3 5. 4
6.1 7. 4 8. 4 9. 4 10.3
11.4 12.4 13.4 14.1 15.1
16.2 17.3 18.1 19.4 20. 4
21.3 22.3 23.4 24. 4 25. 4
26.4 27.2 28.1 29. 4 30.4 

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