Biology Model Paper – NEET 2017

1) Column I contains terms and column II contains definitions. Match them correctly and select the right answer.
   Column I                    Column II
A. Parturition           1. Attachment of zygote to endometrium
B. Gestation             2. Release of egg from Graafian follicle
C. Ovulation             3. Delivery of baby from uterus
D. Implantation        4. Duration between pregnancy and birth
E. Conception           5. Formation of zygote by fusion of the egg and sperm
                                 6. Stoppage of ovulation and menstruation
a) A – 2, B – 4, C – 1, D – 5, E – 3
b) A – 4, B – 3, C – 1, D – 5, E – 2
c) A – 5, B – 1, C – 2, D – 3, E – 4
d) A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D – 1, E – 5.

2) Heroin is obtained by
a) acetylation of morphine
b) alkylation of cocaine
c) hydroxylation of morphine
d) methylation of benzodiazepines.

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3) Select the correct statement.
a) The juxtamedullary nephrons have reduced Henle’s loop.
b) Vasa recta is well developed in cortical nephrons.
c) The PCT and DCT are situated in the medulla of the kidney.
d) The ascending limb of the Henle’s loop extends as the DCT.

4) Which of the following statements are correct and incorrect?
1) Synaptic cleft of neurons secrete adrenaline.
2) Myelinated nerve fibres are enveloped with Schwann cells, which form a myelin sheath around the axon.
3) Non-myelinated nerve fibres do not have nodes of Ranvier.
4)Spinal cord and cranial nerves are made of non-myelinated nerve fibres. Of the four statements,
a) 1, 2 are correct but 3 and 4 are incorrect
b) 1, 2 and 3 are correct but 4 is incorrect
c) 3 and 4 are correct but 1 and 2 are incorrect
d) 2 and 3 are correct while 1 and 4 are incorrect.

5) A group of related genera, with still less number of similarities as compared to the genus and species, constitutes
a) order
b) class
c) family
d) division.

6) Which one of the following pairs of diseases is viral as well as transmitted by mosquitoes?
a) Elephantiasis and dengue
b) Yellow fever and sleeping sickness
c) Encephalitis and sleeping sickness
d) Yellow fever and dengue.

7) Sexual reproduction is absent in
a) ascomycetes
b) deuteromycetes
c) basidiomycetes
d) phycomycetes.

8) Pteridophytes are also called
a) cryptogams b) vascular cryptogams
c) botanical snakes
d) both (b) and (c).

9) Gymnosperms bear seeds but lack fruits because they lack
a) cotyledon
b) embryo
c) ovary
d) ovule.

10) Colchicine is obtained from Colchicum autumnale. It belongs to the family
a) liliaceae
b) solanaceae
c) leguminosae
d) poaceae.

11) Why are vascular bundles closed in monocots?
a) Xylem and phloem are present.
b) Xylem and phloem occur in separate bundles.
c) Vascular cambium is present between xylem and phloem.
d) Vascular cambium is not present.

12) Compare the statements A and B and the select the correct option
Statement A:- To counteract the increase in turgor pressure in plant cells, the cell wall produces an equal and opposite pressure, i.e., wall pressure.
Statement B :- When plant cells undergo endosmosis, they swell but do not brust.
a) Both the statements A and B are correct and A is the reason for B.
b) Statement A is correct and B is wrong.
c) Statement A is wrong and B is correct.
d) Both the statements A and B are correct and A is not the reason for B.

13) One molecule of glucose in Calvin cycle is formed from
a) 6 CO2 + 12 ATP
b) 6 CO2 + 30 ATP + 12 NADPH
c) 6 CO2 + 18 ATP + 12 NADPH
d) 6 CO2 + 18 ATP + 30 NADPH.

14) In citric acid cycle decarboxylation occurs when
a) citric acid converts to – ketoglutaric acid
b) succinic acid converts to malic acid
c) malic acid converts to oxaloacetic acid
d) oxaloacetic acid converts to citric acid.

15) Which one of the following synthetic growth regulators is used to promote synchronized flowering in pineapple?
a) Benzyl aminopurine
b) Phenylmercuric acetate
c) Indolebutyric acid
d) 2-Chloroethylphosphonic acid.

16) The type of pollination involving transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of the same flower is known as
a) geitonogamy
b) xenogamy
d) apogamy.

17) A particular enzyme molecule interacts with a specific substrate molecule is explained by
a) enzyme-substrate concept
b) activation energy concept
c) destroyed and re-synthesised concept
d) lock and key concept.

18) Compare the statements A and B and select the correct option
Statement A:- Synthesis of DNA takes place in the S-phase of interphase.
Statement B:- Every chromosome, during metaphase, has two chromatids.
a) Statement A is wrong and B is correct.
b) Statement A is correct and B is wrong.
c) Both the statements A and B are correct and A is the reason for B.
d) Both the statements A and B are correct and A is not the reason for B.

19) The exchange of segments of non-sister chromatids between chromosomes of a homologous pair is termed as
a) transformation
b) translocation
c) crossing over
d) chromosomal aberration.

20) DNA gyrase, the enzyme that participates in the process of DNA replication, is a type of
a) DNA topoisomerase
b) reverse transcriptase
c) DNA ligase
d) DNA polymerase

21) Hotspots of biodiversity means
a) areas of the earth that contain many endemic species
b) species serve as proxy for entire communities in particular area
c) species in particular niche/area
d) species diversity at particular area.

22) The purpose of biological treatment of waste-water is to
a) reduce BOD
b) increase BOD
c) reduce sedimentation
d) increase sedimentation.

23) Cloning gene is a process where
a) gene is cloned in an animal
b) fragments of DNA are transferred from one organism to another, usually carried on a DNA vector
c) fragments of DNA cloned in the same organism using carrier
d) DNA is cloned in plants.

24) Biogas produced by fermentation of manure, sewage, cattle dung, etc., predominantly comprises
a) methane, nitrogen and hydrogen
b) methane and carbon dioxide
c) methane and carbon monoxide
d) methane and nitric oxide.

25) The type of pollination that brings genetically different types of pollen grains to the stigma of a plant is
a) xenogamy
b) geitonogamy
c) chasmogamy
d) autogamy.

26) Match column I with column II and select the correct option.
  Column I        Column II
A. Zinc            i. Formation of mitotic spindle
B. Iron            ii. Synthesis of auxin
C. Calcium     iii. Formation of chlorophyll
D. Potassium   iv. Stomatal regulation.
   A B C D
a. ii iii I iv
b. iii i ii iv
c. i iii iv ii
d. iv iii ii i

27) Prophase of the first meiotic division is typically longer and complex. It is subdivided into 5 phases; leptotene, Zygotene, pachytene, diplotene and diakinesis. Which of the following statements is not correct of these phases?
a)The formation of synaptonemal complex is seen during zygotene stage.
b) The stage of pachytene is characterized by appearance of recombination nodules.
c) Diplotene stage is marked by terminalisation of chiasmata.
d) The compaction of chromosomes continues throughout the leptotene.

28) Which one of the following classes of fungi has majority of members that are saprophytic
and parasitic and a large number of them are decomposers of litter?
a) Phycomycetes
b) Deuteromycetes
c) Basidiomycetes
d) Ascomycetes.

29) Match column I with column II and select the correct option.
           Column I                                     Column II
A. First generation vaccine             i. Prepared by recombinant DNA technology
B. Second generation vaccine         ii. Produced using whole microorganism
C. Third generation vaccine           iii. Chemically synthesized multivalent vaccine.
   A B C
a. i iii ii
b. iii ii i
c. i ii iii
d. ii i iii

30) In evolution the studies can be made at molecular level. For example the proteins present in the blood of man and ape are similar. The base sequence in nucleic acids and amino acid sequence in proteins in related organisms is alike. These are the examples which are specifically referred to in
a) convergent evolution
b) molecular analogy
c) molecular homology
d) homoplastic appearance.

31) Genetic drift is noticed in
a)large populations where there is random mating
b) plant populations
c) small populations in which progeny may or may not get mutated genes
d) animal populations.

32) Which of the following condition of angiospermic embryo sac is seen at maturity?
a) 7 celled, 8 nucleate
b) 7 celled, 7 nucleate
c) 8 celled, 8 nucleate
d) 8 celled, 7 nucleate.

33) Presence of DNA is chloroplast and mitochondria indicates that
a) glycolysis occurs in them
b) they originated as independent free living organism
c) they undergo meiosis and mitosis independent of nucleus
d) they take part in ATP synthesis.

Biology Model Paper - NEET 2017

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