Who was Charles Darwin – Why do Environmental Conditions Change ?

How did plant and animal species originate?
species originated because plants and animals always adapted to the ever-changing environmental conditions The naturalist Charles Darwin discovered this in the middle of the 19th century The term survival of the fittest outlined his theory that only those plants oranimals that could adapt to the changing environment would survive, reproduce, and over time create new species Those unable to adapt would become tinct. The ecological niche an organism describes how that particular individual fits’ into its ecosystem. For survival, each plant and animal needs to identify and retreat to its ecological niche. Now that we know how species originated, we can breed new specie
Who was Charles Darwin?
Charles Darwin was a British naturalist,At a time  when people still believed that living creature    was  created by God, he began his research on on the Galapagos islands to the west of South America. He found that all finches originated from a single species, This turned the prevalent picture as God’s creation upside down and he faced a lot of opposition from the Church. However his theory was accepted by his colleagues, and when he published his theory of evolution’ the book was quickly sold out.
Charles Darwin (1809–1882)  :  After attending the University of Cambridge and taking up medicine at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Darwin was considered a naturalist. As a biologist, he proposed the concept that “all species of life” came from a single source. His theory of evolution marked the beginning of the discussion on natural selection
Why do environmental conditions change?
There are many reasons for changes in the environment. Environmental change can be sudden because of a meteorite impact or a volcanic eruption or it can be gradual like a change in the climate. In the history of the Earth, there have been many sudden changes. Dust clouds and pollution darken and poison the world and cause catastrophes. slow changes in the environment such as changes in the sea level ice ages, or torrential rains can be due to different reasons. For instance, parts of the earth are lifted as a result of the displacement of tectonic plates and therefore sea coasts shift. Today, the environmental changes are mainly due to irresponsible human actions such as draining of marsh areas, cutting of trees, and air pollution
What is an ecological niche
The ecological niche describes a way of living that provides a species with adequate nutrition, an optimum environment, and as few enemies as possible. For instance, several different species of water birds can live together peacefully on the sea because each species prefers a different food or hunts for its food at different depths in the water. The birds do not prey on each other’s food, and hence are not natural enemies. We can also say that this particular animal species has become specialized.
Why do we need to breed new species?
Fruit farmers try to grow good looking apples or those resistant to diseases. The aim is to prevent crop failure and earn more money. Even in animal breeding, the attempt is to breed animals which provide more milk or meat This is achieved, for instance, by crossing two species with each other. By cross- breeding a good milk-yielding cow with a weather-resistant bull, we can get a hardy, weather-resistant milking cow. We can also try to save endangered species by breeding them in zoos.
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