Comprehension Test

What are the Principles of English Grammar Translation Method

Directions (Q. No. 1 – 10): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. 

Certain words/phrases have been given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Human beings are social beings and no one is an island. Right from birth a person lives in a society, the smallest unit of which is the family consisting of the father, the mother, the brothers and the sisters. Society is made up of both men and women, each having different but equally important tasks to perform. Traditionally, the man is considered to be the breadwinner. Being physically stronger,
the man is entrusted with those tasks which require strength and stamina. The woman is entrusted with
the task of rearing the children and taking care of the home. As time passed, the woman’s role began to be looked down upon as less significant. This led to woman being enslaved and eventually they were
forced to look upon men as their lords and masters. More and more restrictions were placed on the woman. Instead of being equal partners, women were subjugated and subdued as second-class citizens. They had no right to their father’s property and no reason to live after their husbands were dead. This led to the evil practice of sati. Another such practice is the dowry system. At the time of marriage, large sums of money, ornaments and other valuables have to be given to the groom. All these led to women being considered as liabilities. As no one wants to increase his liabilities, the birth of a female child was looked upon as a curse. This increased the number of female infanticide. The birth of a son was celebrated and the more sons a person had the greater his prestige and position in society was. Women are in no way responsible for this state of affairs. It resulted from following the law of the jungle: “Might is right,” It was nothing but exploitation of the 50 percent of the human race by the rest. It was a male-dominated society and the rules were made by male chauvinists. Anyone can see the irrationality behind each and every rule affecting the women.

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The spread of democracy with equality for all and the modern enlightened era have definitely changed
the position of women. However, prejudices and evil practices still prevail everywhere. Though sati is abolished, widow remarriages are not looked upon as a welcome change. Widows are still looked at as objects of ill-omen. Their presence at certain functions is thought to be inauspicious. This is not true of widowers. An unfaithful wife deserves to be stoned but not an unfaithful husband. Bride burning and bride beating are quite common. One never hears about husband burning. Eve-teasing, molestation
and rape are all daily occurrences in our modern society. All these prove that exploitation of women still
persists. Much still remains to be done so as to emancipate the 50 percent of this human race from victimisation. It is necessary to realise the value and importance of this group. “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” is an old saying. It shows the importance of success of every women. Yet this woman is forgotten or ignored or even subjugated. Women are called the “fair sex” or the “weaker
sex” and yet their exploitation continues. A wife is said to be the ‘better half’ of the husband. Yet this better half is not given her due place in society. Can’t something be done to end this irrational discrimination against women? At this juncture, it will be beneficial to have a look at our own home
and our own dealings.

1. In a male-dominated society women were subdued as second-class citizens. What was/were the fallout thereof?
1) Women lost their right to live after their husbands were dead
2) The evil practice of sati came into being
3) Women were considered as liabilities
4) Women lost the right to their father’s property
5) All the above

2. Which of the following is/are responsible for the plight of women?
A. Women themselves are responsible because they preferred to be enslaved in homes than to go out for work
B. The law of the jungle in a male-dominated society
C. The weakness of women owing to their biological orientation
1) Only (A)
2) Only (B)
3) Only (C)
4) All (A), (B) & (C)
5) Only (A) & (C)

3. The society is made up of both men and women but women’s role is looked down upon as less significant. Why?
A. Because woman is not as strong as man
B. Because the work assigned to women is not so significant
C. Because of non-productive work done by women
1) Only (A)
2) Only (B)
3) Only (C)
4) Only (A) & (B)
5) All (A), (B) & (C)

4. Which of the following proves that the position of women has changed in the modern enlightened era?
1) Women are regarded as fair sex
2) The wife is said to be the better half of the husband
3) In the honour of women it is said that there is a woman behind the success of every man
4) Women are occupying top positions not only in the political field but also in other sectors
5) None of the above

5. Which of the following support(s) the view that though we live in modern society yet our attitude
towards women is barbaric?
1) The incidence of eve-teasing, molestation and rape
2) Treatment of widows as objects of ill-omen
3) Treating women as objects of sexual gratification
4) All the above except (3)
5) All (1), (2) & (3)

6. Select the most suitable title for the given passage.
1) Evil practices in Indian society
2) Upliftment of women: need of the hour
3) Behaviour of a developed society
4) Characteristics of a male-dominated society
5) Discrimination on the basis of sex and race: an old practice

Directions (Q. No. 1 – 5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part is the answer. If there is “No error”, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)

1. For the first time, the centre has decided (1)/to hire “stress counsellors” in paramilitary forces (2)
/ to curb instances of suicide as well as mental and behaviour disorders (3)/ amongst troops working
under acute pressure. (4)/No error (5)

2. The students have pointed out that (1)/ the notices issued to them do not mention (2)/ the “offence”
for which they (3)/ have asked to give an explanation. (4)/ No error (5)

3. A man claiming to be (1)/ a Delhi Police inspector allegedly (2)/ beaten up a tennis coach (3)/ who
works at a private school. (4)/ No error (5)

4. He was told to give the award (1) / to whosoever he thought had done (2)/ the most for (3)/ the
welfare of poor children. (4)/ No error (5)

5. Rashmi has (1)/ scored first class (2)/ in her final exams, (3)/ hasn’t she? (4)/ No error (5)

Directions (Q. No. 6 – 10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each
sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5).
Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

6. None knows exactly ___ or ___ the wheel itself was first used.
1) what, where
2) what, when
3) what, why 4
4) who, when
5) when, how

7. Ultimately, he received the ____ he ____.
1) gains, demanded
2) honour, deserved
3) care, wanted
4) credit, contributed
5) denial, escaped

8. We were highly ____ with the ___ and hospitable treatment given by the host.
1) impressed, friendly
2) shocked, unpleasant
3) amazed, hostile
4) discouraged, cordial
5) thrilled, pathetic

9. The success in any business does not occur ___ but only ____ many years of study and training.
1) leisurely, for
2) frequently, with
3) automatically, after
4) traditionally, by
5) temporarily, despite

10. The announcement coincided with ___ of military action ____ the rival.
1) felicitation, for
2) signals, with
3) notice, of
4) threats, against
5) warning, favouring

Directions (Q. No. 1 – 4): Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (5) i.e. “No correction required” as the answer.

1. It is the temple where religious rites are celebrated as they were for centuries.
1) as they have been for
2) so were they for
3) as they are for
4) as they were before
5) No correction required

2. By the time he had won his commission, the senior officer had to start seeking employment elsewhere.
1) had started seeking
2) were started seeking
3) had been started to seek
4) were to have started seeking
5) No correction required

3. The congestion on the streets must be seen to believe.
1) have been to believe
2) have been seen for believing
3) have seen for belief
4) be seen to be believed
5) No correction required

4. He had begun to develop the qualities that he was going to need in later years.
1) was going to be needed
2) had gone to need
3) was later to need
4) had been gone to need
5) No correction required

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