APPSC Panchayati Secretary General Studies Bits

1. The best example of eco friendly agriculture practice is
1. use of high yielding varieties
2, shifting cultivation
3. organic farming
4. use of fertilisers and pesticides
2. In India agricultural land or the cultivated area includes the net cropped area and
1. Grazing lands
2. Cropped area
3, Fallow lands
4. All the above
3. Hussain Sagar Lake was constructed during the regime of
1. Quli Qutub Shah
2. Abdullah Qutub Shah
3. Ibrahim Qutub Shah
4, Abdul Hassan Tanisha
4. The 36th Amendment of Indian Constitution facilitated the formation of a new state of
1. Sikkim
2. Goa
3. Arunachal Pradesh
4. Tripura
5. Swadeshi Movement advocating the boycott of foreign goods was started in
1. 1905
2. 1923
3. 1926
4. 1930
6. -84 x 29+365=?
1. 2436
2. 2801
3. -2801
4. -2701
7. out of of 9 persons, 8 persons spent R 25 each for their meals. The ninth person spent R 30 more than the average of what the 8 persons spent. What is the total money spent by the 9 persons?
1. 230
2. 260
3. 255
4. 250
8. The average score of a cricketer for ten matches is 38.9 runs. If the average for the first six matches is 42, then find the average for the last four matches.
1. 34.25
2. 33.25
3. 33.50
4. 35.00
9. ‘A’ is twice as good a workman as B’ and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days can ‘A’ alone finish the work?
1. 20 days
2. 25 days
3. 22 days
4. 27 days
10. What is the compound interest on 7500 at 5% per annum for 2 years, compounded annually?
1. 768.75
2. 786.75
3. 758.75
4. 776.75
11.  The main characteristics of a disaster plan
1. Clarity of aim
2. Flexibility
3. Viability
4. All the above
12. Non structural measures for disaster mitigation
1. legal framework
2. incentives
3. training, public awareness, eduction
4. All the above
13. Different types of traditional buildings avaiaable
1. Earthen buildings
2. Stone and brick buildings
3. Wooden buildings
4. All the above
14. Important advantages in having community participation in disaster reduction or rehabilitation programme are
1, Cost reduction
2. Efficiency
3. Sustainability
4. All the above
15. Basic requirements of communication in disaster management
1. Thorough knowledge of situations
2. Clarity
3. Conciseness
4. All the above
16. Which one is a mixed gland?
1. Pituitary gland
2. Adrenal gland
3. Pancreas
4. ovary
17. The innermost membrane that covers the brain
1. Pleura.
2. Dura mater
3. Pia mater
4. Arachnoid membrane

18. The disease caused by bacteria
1. Malaria
2. Dysentery
3. Mumps
4. Typhoid

19. Filaria is spread by
1. Culex mosquito
2. Anopheles mosquito
3. Aedes mosquito
4. None of these

20. Telescope makes the far objects appear
1. Farther
2. Nearer
3. Magnified

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