English Model Questions for SBI PO / IBPS

Directions ( Q.No. 1 – 15): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. 
Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.  According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA), plastic bags are a better option than paper bags from the environment’s point of view. Many studies comparing plastic versus paper show that plastic bags have less net environmental effect than paper bags, requiring less energy for transport, production and recycling and because of all these, plastic generates less greenhouse gases.  They causeless air and water pollution and can get compressed to a small size in landfills.  Plastic bags are sterile and thus are a better option for the transportation of eatables and medicines.  However there is another side of using plastic. Plastics are manufactured from petroleum.  This brings a host of other issues e.g. destruction of habitat.  Their manufacturing involves chemicals, many of which have not been sufficiently tested for their toxicological impact on humans and animals.  Exacerbating the problem is that science has only advanced to detect plastic components in human bodies and then link it to human ailments and diseases.  Where science has been unable to help is that it has largely failed to invent a solution to the hazards caused by it.  Making the situation dismal is the fact that the hazard is closer than it appears.  Teflon, PVC, Polyethylene, polystyrene in utensils and various silicones in hair and body care products accumulate in the body and lead to serious diseases.  Plastic producing companies are often chemical companies or subsidiaries of chemical companies, both with poor track records when it comes to their adherence to regulatory compliance and their willingness to perform toxicological analysis on the products that they make.  Plastics often drain component chemicals, including hazardous chemicals when temperature changes beyond a certain point.  It is for this reason that toxicologists do not recommend storing very cold food in plastics or heating food(microwaving especially) in plastics. Also, plastics are durable materials. Thus, they are hard to eliminate once used and create tremendous waste. While some common plastics can be recycled the vast majority cannot be recycled.  Scientists suggest the use of Biodegradable plastics as an alternative to this persisting problem.  These are the plastics that can decompose in the natural environment.  Bio degradation of plastics can be achieved by enabling microorganisms in the environment to metabolize the molecular structure of plastic films to produce an inert humus like material that is less harmful to the environment. They may be composed of either bio-plastics, which are plastics whose components are derived from renewable raw materials, or petroleum based plastics. The use of bio active compounds compounded with swelling agents ensures that, when combined with heat and moisture, they expand the plastic’s molecular structure and allow the bio active compounds to metabolise and neutralize the plastic.  Various countries have been adopting different methods to discourage the use of plastic.  Growing awareness in the UK of the problems caused by indiscriminate use of plastic bags is encouraging retailers to reward customers who bring their own bags or who reuse or recycle existing bags. This is called the “Green Bag Scheme”. In other countries retailers have stopped providing free plastic bags with purchases and have been selling cloth bags for very minimalistic prices. 
1.What alternative do the scientists suggest for the problem associated with the use of plastics?
1) Use of biodegradable plastics 
2) Treatment of hazards causedby the use of plastics
3) Strict compliance of the chemical companies to toxicological tests of their products 
4)Banning the use of plasticthroughout the world
5) None of these 
2.Why don’t toxicologists recommend the heating of food and storing of cold food in plastic?
1) Food stuff spoils faster in plastic containers
2) The Teflon coating in such utensils is harmful
3) Plastic containers do not undergo recommended toxicologytests
4) Plastic releases harmful chemicals at very high and low temperature
5) None of these
3.According to the author, what is the problem with manufacturing plastic products?
1) These products are not energyefficient
2) These products produce greenhouse gases which are harmful to environment
3)The chemicals involved intheir production are not testedfor impact on living beings
4) It swells as soon as it comes incontact with heat and moisture 
5) None of these
4.What are the author’s views about the companies producing plastic products?
i)These companies are mainlyresponsible for the hazardscaused to the environmentdue to plastics.
ii)Such companies are chemicalcompanies themselves or asubsidiary of such companies
iii)Such companies do not perform toxicological tests ontheir products.
1) Only i
2) Both ii and iii
3) Both i and iii
4) Only ii 
5) None of these
5.What does the authormean by”anotherside of using plastic”?
1)These are disadvantages ofusing plastic 
2)Using biodegradable plasticinstead of nonbiodegradableplastic
3) Paper bags are better optionthan plastic bags 
4) Many retail stores sell clothbags at lower price 
5) None of these
6.Why does USEPAsuggest thatplastic bags are a betteroptionthan paperbags?
1) The plastic bags are inexpensive 
2) Plastic bags can be tested fortoxic chemicals
3) Paper bags do not generategreenhouse gases
4) Plastic bags require less energy as compared to paper fortransportation, production andrecycling 
5) None of these
7.According to the passage, inwhich of the following fieldshas science failed?
1) To produce biodegradable plastic 
2) To popularize the use of clothand paper bags instead of plastic
3) To strictly implement the compliance of the chemical companies to toxicological testsof their products
4) To make plastic free hair andbody care products
5) None of these
8.Which steps have been taken in UK to encourage the use of alternatives to plastic bags?
1) The UK government has banned the use of plastic throughout the country
2) The retailers in UK have beenselling cloth bags at very lowprices
3) The retailers reward the customers who bring their ownbags or use the recycled bags
4) The government imposes heavyfine on those using plastic bags
5) None of these
9.Which of the following is nottrue in context of the passage?
1) Some countries have stoppedproviding free plastic bags tocustomers to discourage theuse of plastic
2) The bioactive compound along with swelling agents ensurethat plastic is neutralized inthe presence of heat and moisture
3) Many plastic products do notundergo toxicological test
4) Being durable, plastic createsa lot of waste 
5) All are true
10.Although harmful at extremetemperature, why does USEPArecommend transport of eatables and medicines in plasticbags?
1) Plastic bag generate less greenhouse gases which wouldreact chemically with medicines, thus producing adverseeffect in body
2) Plastic bags are more sterilethan other available options 
3) Plastic products pass througha number of toxicological testing’s
4) Plastic bags are easily degraded and thus cause less harm toenvironment 
5) None of these

Directions (Q. No. 11 – 13): Choose the word/group of words whichis /are most similar in meaning tothe word printed in bold as used inthe passage.
1) Troubling
2) Enduring
3) Resisting
4) Damaging
5) Harassing
1) Executing
2) Influencing 
3) Worsening
4) Addressing 
5) Declining
1) Sewer      
2) Waste   
3) Deplete
4) Give out   
5) Outlet
Directions (Q. No. 14 – 15): Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word printedin bold as used in the passage.
1) Encouraging
2) Prosperous 
3) Glad4) Generous
5) Respectful
1) Extended
2) Amplified 
3) Diffused
4) Intensified
5) Expanded
Directions (Q. No. 16 – 20): Re arrange the following six sentences(A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in theproper sequence to form a meaning-ful paragraph; then answer thequestions given below them.
A)At first he got scared, but then hethought, “I have never worshipped her that is why I am not ableto get anything from my land”.
B)One day unable to tolerate thesummer heat, he went to restunder a big banyan tree.
C)He rushed to his village and placed his humble offering of milkin a bowl before the snake.
D)Vishnu Raman was a poor Brahmin and a farmer by profession.
E)The next day when he returned,he was rewarded with a gold coinin the bowl he left behind.
F)Just as he was preparing, to liedown he saw a huge cobra swaying with his hood open.
16.Which of the following shouldbe the SECOND sentence afterthe rearrangement?
1) B
2) C
3) E
4) D
5) F
17.Which of the following should he the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?
1) A
2) D
3) F
4) C
5) E
18.Which of the following shouldbe the FOURTH sentence afterthe rearrangement?
1) E
2) F
4) A
5) D
19.Which of the following shouldbe the FIFTH sentence afterthe rearrangement?
1) F
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) E
20.Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement?
1) D
2) B
3) C
4) E
5) F

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