General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

1 Carl and the Passions changed band name to what ?
Answer :   Beach Boys

2 How many rings on the Olympic flag ?
Answer :   Five

3 What colour is vermilion a shade of ?
Answer :   Red

4 King Zog ruled which country ?
Answer :   Albania

5 What colour is Spock’s blood ?
Answer :   Green

6 Where in your body is your patella ?
Answer :   Knee ( it’s the kneecap )

7 Where can you find London bridge today ?
Answer :   USA ( Arizona )

8 What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in a Moscow mule ?
Answer :   Vodka

9 Who was the first man in space ?
Answer :   Yuri Gagarin

10 What would you do with a Yashmak ?
Answer :   Wear it – it’s an Arab veil

11 Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans ?
Answer :   Judas Escariot

12 Which animal lays eggs ?
Answer :   Duck billed platypus

13 On television what was Flipper ?
Answer :   Dolphin

14 Who’s band was The Quarrymen ?
Answer :   John Lenon

15 Which was the most successful Grand National horse ?
Answer :   Red Rum

16 Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man ?
Answer :   Lee Majors

17 In the song Waltzing Matilda – What is a Jumbuck ?
Answer :   Sheep

18 Who was Dan Dare’s greatest enemy in the Eagle ?
Answer :   Mekon

19 What is Dick Grayson better known as ?
Answer :   Robin (Batman and Robin)

20 What was given on the fourth day of Christmas ?
Answer :   Calling birds

21 What was Skippy ( on TV ) ?
Answer :   The bush kangaroo

22 What does a funambulist do ?
Answer :   Tightrope walker

23 What is the name of Dennis the Menace’s dog ?
Answer :   Gnasher

24 What are bactrians and dromedaries ?
Answer :   Camels (one hump or two)

25 Who played The Fugitive ?
Answer :   David Jason

26 Who was the King of Swing ?
Answer :   Benny Goodman

27 Who was the first man to fly across the channel ?
Answer :   Louis Bleriot

28 Who starred as Rocky Balboa ?
Answer :   Sylvester Stallone

29 In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade ?
Answer :   Crimean

30 Who invented the television ?
Answer :   John Logie Baird

31 Who would use a mashie niblick ?
Answer :   Golfer

32 In the song who killed Cock Robin ?
Answer :   Sparrow

33 What do deciduous trees do ?
Answer :   Lose their leaves in winter

34 In golf what name is given to the No 3 wood ?
Answer :   Spoon

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35 If you has caries who would you consult ?
Answer :   Dentist – its tooth decay

36 What other name is Mellor’s famously known by ?
Answer :   Lady Chatterlys Lover

37 What did Jack Horner pull from his pie ?
Answer :   Plum

38 How many feet in a fathom ?
Answer :   Six

39 which film had song Springtime for Hitler ?
Answer :   The Producers

40 Name the legless fighter pilot of ww2 ?
Answer :   Douglas Bader

41 What was the name of inn in Treasure Island ?
Answer :   Admiral Benbow

42 What was Erich Weiss better known as ?
Answer :   Harry Houdini

43 Who sailed in the Nina – Pinta and Santa Maria ?
Answer :   Christopher Columbus

44 Which leader died in St Helena ?
Answer :   Napoleon Bonaparte

45 Who wrote Gone with the Wind ?
Answer :   Margaret Mitchell

46 What does ring a ring a roses refer to ?
Answer :   The Black Death

47 Whose nose grew when he told a lie ?
Answer :   Pinocchio

48 Who has won the most Oscars ?
Answer :   Walt Disney

49 What would a Scotsman do with a spurtle ?
Answer :   Eat porridge (it’s a spoon)

50 Which award has the words for valour on it ?
Answer :   Victoria Cross

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