Indian History General Knowledge Practice Bits – 1

The term Khalisa in Mughal administration signified the ?
A. entire Imperial establishment
B. land owned b the emperor himself
C. religious land grants
D. land from where revenue was collected for the Imperial Treasury

Ans: Option B

To meet the educational needs of the people, the Madarasa-I Nasiri was built in the region of ?
A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
B. Iltutmish
C. Ruknuddin Firoz Shah
D. Jalal-id-din Khilji
Ans: Option B

The title given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered during the non-cooperation movement was ?
A. Hind Keasri
B. Kaiser-e-Hind
C. Rai Bahadur
D. Rt. Honorable
Ans: Option B

Tolkappiyam is associated with the ?
A. first Sangam period
B. second Sangam period
C. third Sangam period
D. post-third Sangam period
Ans: Option B

The system of Dual Government during the latter half of the 18th century AD is associated with the name of ?
A. Clive
B. Comwallis
C. Waren Hastings
D. William Bentinck
Ans: Option A

Ustad Mansur was a famous painter in the region of ?
A. Shajahan
B. Akbar
C. Humayun
D. Jahangir
Ans: Option D

There was a sharp class division at Harappa and Mohen-jodaro. This is clear from the ?
A. Indus seals excavated
B. religious beliefs of the Harappans
C. tools and implements used by the Harappans
D. different types of dwellings excavated
Ans: Option D

The weekly Commonweal was founded by ?
A. Annie Besant
B. Bipan Chandra Pal
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. Sarojini Naidu
Ans: Option A

Tipu sultan was the ruler of ?
A. Hyderabad
B. Madurai
C. Mysore
D. Vijayanagar
Ans: Option C

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The text of the document called Mahzar, by which Akbar assumed the role of supreme arbiter in the matters of religion is found in ?
A. Nizamuddin’s Tabaqat-I-Akbari
B. Arif Quandahari’s Tarikh-I-Alfi
C. Abul Fazl’s Akbarnama
D. Badauni’s Muntakahab-ut-Tawarikh
Ans: Option C

The term yavanika meant ?
A. foreign goods
B. dancer
C. curtain
D. theatre
Ans: Option C

‘The Vedas contain all the truth was interpreted by ?
A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Swami Dayananda
C. Raja Rammohan Roy
D. None of the above
Ans: Option B

Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of Samudragupta in his work ?
A. Mudrarakasam
B. Devi Chand Guptam
C. Mrichekakatika
D. Malavikagnimitra
Ans: Option A

The term samanta, meaning a feudatory from the sixth century AD, originally meant a ?
A. slave
B. cultivator
C. neighbor
D. foreigner
Ans: Option C

To evolve a peaceful settlement of the conflict between India and China, which of the following non-aligned Afro-Asian nations participated in a conference held in December 1962?
A. Burma (now Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia and UAR
B. Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Indonesia
C. Burma, Indonesia, Ghana and Sri Lanka
D. All of the above
Ans: Option D

Tulsidas, the author of Ramcharitmanas, was a contemporary of which of the following rulers?
A. Akbar
B. Humayun
C. Shahjahan
D. Sher Shah Suri
Ans: Option A

The Vedic deity Indra was the Goddess of ?
A. wind
B. eternity
C. rain and thunder
D. fire
Ans: Option C
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