Fruits and their Edible Parts

FRUITS AND THEIR EDIBLE PARTS Apple  —  Fleshy thalamus Wheat  —  Starchy endosperm Pear —  Fleshy thalamus Cashew nut — …

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Important Facts of General Science – Part(2)

Important Facts of General Science  1.  Full  form  of  AIDS  is  –  ==>   Acquired  Immune  Deficiency Syndrome. 2.  Chemical  technology …

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Function Keys of Microsoft Excel

Function Keys of Microsoft Excel Function Key ( F1 ) Displays the Help task pane.    CTRL+F1 closes and reopens the current…

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Airlines in the World | ప్రపంచ దేశాల ఎయిర్ లైన్స్ పేర్లు

Airlines in the World  ప్రపంచ దేశాల ఎయిర్ లైన్స్ పేర్లు  1.ఇండియా ::=> ఎయిర్ ఇండియా 2.ఇండోనేషియా  ::=>  గరుడా ఎయిర్ వేస్ 3.పాకిస్తాన్ ::=>  …

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Internet Connection Is Unreliable | Computer Problems & Solutions

Internet Connection Is Unreliable  Computer Problems & Solutions Problem: Internet Connection Is Unreliable Solution: Unreliable or intermittent Internet connections are usually the result…

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Scientific Names of Plants | Trees | Vegetables | Fruits

SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF COMMON PLANT/ TREES/ VEGETABLES /CEREALS/FRUITS Etc. Apple :: Pyrusmalus Bamboo ::  Bamboosaaridinarifolia Brinjal ::  Solanummelongena Banana :: …

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